I got an A/O thrill and a hearty snicker out of last night's episode, and the repeated assertion that Liv's 8-year partnership with Elliot is "the longest relationship I've ever had with a man."
Well then! They can change her hair (and good god how they have...) but the subtext is unswerving. :)
"when your love lets you go you only want love more even when love wasn't what you were looking for"
Tegan and Sarah baby.
I'm spending today in SciLi working on Chaucer. Love to Kelley my study partner. And fuck strep throat. At least I knew what it was when I woke up feeling like half-baked hell yesterday.
I spend all my time either sleeping or at call. It's an enjoyable existence in its own way, but I can't help but look forward to the gigantic amount of free time that I'm going to have as of tomorrow
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