Last times with the Yarns
part 1,
part 2,
part 3 46ish pictures + comments below the link/cut!
The small town the Yarn family lives in has only a few shops and restaurants. More are being built every day, but at this time there is only a small grocery store, a flower shop, a clothing shop, a specialty bakery (Pie), and a diner. With all these new shops opening (!) I have instituted a new rule in town -- if it's available in a shop, the sims must go there to buy it, no quick purchase by me, no ordering over the phone, etc. So thus? The Yarns go Out and About!
Scuba stands in line to buy a bag of groceries at Mellow Grocery. The store isn't very well managed, but everyone needs to eat so it's always busy!
The kids entertain themselves with the always amusing game of 'cops and robbers.'
... seriously. I luff watching them play that game. They laugh so hard and are endlessly amused by it!
They break for some other entertainment:
Huckleberry: Come one, Come all, my sister's going to do a cartwheel!
Wisteria: *prepares*
The twins also experience a town favorite called "Don't Wake the Llama!" Even the grownups get into it XD (It seems to be a lot like Jenga, removing pieces without disturbing the pile as a whole.)
Wisteria then teaches Huckleberry.
After buying groceries Scuba decides to grill some hot dogs out back.
Random Neighborhood Lady: Oh hi new person!
Scuba: Oh hi! I love meeting new people! I'm so glad you're enjoying the hot dogs I grilled!
And of course, he digs for treasure.
Store Owner: You can't dig here! *is indignant*
Scuba: *just found something totally awesome*
Scuba: Fine I'll leave! I need a bath!!
At home, Scuba's treasure rack is growing every day. I think it looks quite good!
Scuba: *eats spaghetti dinner* Your brother is painting such a great picture instead of eating his spaghetti like he should.
Wisteria: *ignores*
Scuba: *minus*
Yes, I had Scuba drink the green life juice, just to give him a little boost. Six extra days to give being an athlete a whirl -- he finally found a job opening!
Scuba: I'm so ready to take on the world! RAWWRRRR!
Scuba: Hi Nanny! I'm so glad you were able to come over on such short notice! *tips $10* Keep a good eye on the twins, will ya?
And Scuba and Sophie head out on the town!!
For a little dancing....
and smooching ...
and karaoke singing ...
(and o.O you would not BELIEVE that karaoke session. Scuba has like, NO singing skills, it was so LOL!)
Further evidence of the adorable:
/karaoke spam
And then some photo booth fun. First, a cute picture.
And then some jiggy time!
A few nights later Scuba takes the twins out for a little fun.
They both wanted to go ice skating, but first! I wanted a cute picture, so they stopped at the diner on their way to the ice rink :D
Wisteria: *stares*
Wisteria: *continues staring*
Wisteria: o.O Her skin is green!
Finally they arrive at the ice rink.
Huckleberry: I totally can't get in! She's so in my way! *whines*
They skate once or twice around and are ready to be done. Of course.
After the kids are in bed, Scuba takes the time to call an old friend - Shiloh Fuchs (pregnant lady from many updates back, remember her?)
Scuba: I'm so hungry right now I could eat a whole bowl of chili!!
Shiloh: Oh me too! I have a really good recipe.
Scuba: *plus*
Scuba: Oh yeah? I have the best pancake recipe, the twins really love it!
Speaking of the twins ... here they are in all their adorableness. Don't you just LOVE that photo booth picture? SO CUTE!! *squee*
These kids are just so squeeze-ably cute! I luffs them both so much!
Next time with the Yarns: The twins become teenagers, with cake, and everything!!! (Okay, maybe not everything ^.^)