(no subject)

Mar 08, 2006 10:03

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1) Would dougin be a better ninja or pirate? Ninja. Hasn't got the beard for Piracy.
2) What is thewarofart's favorite food? SOULS.
3) Does electriclady go to your school? No sir. She's not good enough.
4) What flavor of jello would clock_options be? Black. HAHAHAHA just kidding.
5) If dougin took over the world, who would be happy? Well, he would be I think.
6) Where was likeamusicvideo born? I have no clue.
7) Do you think likeamusicvideo is hot? Does it matter what I think? Yes? Ok.
8) Do cheesesandwich and herlimeheart go to the same school? Nosir.
9) One thing you can't stand about cheesesandwich? I can't stand people with squillions of comments, because I can't help but read them ALL.
10) When did you last call coverednkittens? Oh shit... I'll do that today. cuz it's been ages.
11) What is khadaji allergic to? My invulnerability.
12) Which president would clock_options be likely to idolize? President of what? Jimmy Urine.
13) Is the_salad_man a high school student? Probably, he's still a bebe.
14) Is forgottenlove introverted or extroverted? She's got the worst of both, and I lurv it.
15) What song/movie would you recommend to likeamusicvideo? I'm sure she's sick of me recommending shit to her.
16) Has godbacchus been to your house/dorm? Nope.
17) Is nailclipper_me 1337? total n3rdz0r
18) What is onlyinnocentsdi's favorite color? Black. Like our hearts, our souls, and our lungs.
19) Thoughts on dougin? I think they'd look quite fashionable.
20) Does exclamationmark travel a lot? In his own mind, yes.
21) If dougin commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? a bunch of confused, drunk and rowdy frat boys I think.
22) thanks_elliot's eye color? usually too dilated to tell.
23) How would shanoyu conquer the world? through the cunning use of flags.
24) What video game does thewarofart remind you of? Miss pacman
25) Does godbacchus do drugs? I know nothing!
26) Did herlimeheart break up with you? hahaha. sorry. hahahaha.
27) Does electriclady know onlyinnocentsdi? Not at all.
28) What mental disorder does cheesesandwich remind you of? ALL OF THEM.
29) Would you set up leliophelia and princessbettina? That wouldn't work at all. But just for a laugh, maybe.
30) What is exclamationmark's favorite band/artist? Daler Mehndi.
31) Is cornet_dynasty a college student? Yes indeed.
32) What comic book character would norskpike be? Quailman.
33) Would you wrestle forgottenlove in jello? .............no. That sounds, like, disgusting.
34) Would thewarofart and the_salad_man make a good couple? ahahahaha, no.
35) Is dreamwiadream related to coverednkittens? It might explain a few things...
36) Do you have a crush on likeamusicvideo? Oh, this is too easy. Like, non-obsessive.
37) If smelly_jelly and colorofenergy were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at their medula oblongata
38) What do you agree with deadmolly about? the veracity of her name
39) Does khadaji have a dog? If he did, it wouldn't be a dog, per se.
40) Would thanks_elliot go out with nailclipper_me? I don't see it happening.
41) What do you disagree with colorofenergy about? The essence of gravity.
42) Would you make out with toomuchdizzines? For a dollar, yea.
43) What would electriclady think of exclamationmark? Who cares?
44) What would greek_intuit do differently in your shoes? He'd fuck everything up, hahahaha its true.
45) What is forgottenlove's biggest flaw? That guy.
46) What exotic animal would godbacchus like as a pet? An arsegoblin.
47) If cornet_dynasty were hanging off a cliff, what would dreamwiadream do? Do something cute, and blush, and maybe help him up.
48) What would you do if you found out leliophelia has a crush on you? Take her, and shake her, until she came to her senses.
49) How long have you known leliophelia? ages.
50) What planet should dreamwiadream be from? Somewhere close by, I think.
51) Is dj_eleusis popular? with what crowd? YEeeeaa.
52) Is thewarofart an emo? Totally emo. Look at her. Emo.
53) If angels_dying was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? I'm everyone's arch nemesis.
54) What animal does godbacchus remind you of? A giant wombat.
55) If thanks_elliot took over the world, who would suffer? Whoever I told her should.
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