Everyone is so fucking concerned with everyone else's life. Its ridiculus, really. I dont think its fair for "friends" to cast someone completely away just because that someone is happy romantically with someone else
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Hey kiddies. I went to the mall today and discovered that I have gotten FAT. So I am now going to diet until I wear a small in everything again. I got some cute jeans, though.
So, do ohyu remember that creepy bald irish guy that used to come to all the shows and stalk you downtown? You know, Lithia or whatever. Well, I just found out that he is in jail for child molestation charges. Oh, and so is that creepy guy Ian with the long hair. WTF?
I love Gordon so much. Even though he lives all the way in Sandiego he still finds the time to call me to talk about nothing. I wish he still lived in Savannah. Or I lived in California.
Miss Kitty is going insane again, I believe. But I dont feel crazy, just extremely depressed. Violet just called me asking where to get weed on Tybee. That was weird. Too bad the people on Tybee who I've ever gotten weed from completely loathe me now. For what reason? I dont know. lfgj;dj;d;dk;dkf;lkda;lkf whinewhinewhinebitchbitchbitch