Jan 28, 2006 16:08
General sorry if I've not spoken to you of late (assuming you see this as a bad thing), had exams which finished today! Look forwad to catching up with people now and getting very drunk on my one day off before lectures start again. L8rZ! X
Nov 15, 2005 17:18
I'm using LJ's snazzy new 'My LJ' features. Everything's ok. ♥
Oct 27, 2005 15:17
I had one seminar today. It was about jeans. I could get used to this university lark.
Oct 15, 2005 11:42
The longer I'm here the more I realise how backwards Grimsby is.
Sep 14, 2005 23:05
Today was one of those soggy crotch days, you know the sort. For some reason unbeknown to me, all the water-based rides at Alton Towers decided to splash me (just me), hence the... yeah.
I love Alton Towers.
Today was beautiful.
May 15, 2005 15:32
I have no idea what's going on on The OC right now.