Title: Remote Love Pairing: Jonghyun/Jinki(Onew) Rating: NC-17 WC: 7238 Summary: I’m a genius. I’m the best student in school, but I’m not popular. A/N: First English smut... 8D Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
Ohhhhhhh. I hope you don't see any mistakes then lol would be embarrassing. xDDD BTW. Sie haben die Erlaubnis mir auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben... xD *lach*
DOCH DOCH JINKI LIEBT JONG GANZ GANZ VIEL und wenn er den nich liebt, dann liebt er Minho <3 und wenn er den auch nicht liebt, dann liebt er Taemin. Wehe du kommst mir mit Kibum. WEHE. xD WEEEEHE. xD *lach*
Guuut... lol ich hab voll die Komplexe wenn es um mein Englisch geht, deshalb bin ich da sehr vorsichtig bei deutschsprechenden Leuten... Ich habs bei denen net so gern, wenn die Fehler sehen, wie dumm das jetz auch sicher klingt...
.....,moment... wieso liest du diese FF überhaupt wenn du gar nich für jongyu bist? XDDDDD *geistesblitz*
lol. Just sleep in the car after you've found the keys XD
I can imagine Jinki thinks Jonghyun is pulling a joke on him, because yeah. He wouldn't expect Jonghyun to like him too.
hehe. Alcohol really helps to solve problems. Even giving their friends a nice show XD
It first felt like his friends would pull a prank on him? Because you wrote Jinki was being naive telling them about his sexuality and such. But they kind of brought him to the place Jonghyun was.
LOL at first I was thinking about Jinki's friends kidding him but... I ended up being nice to him and let him have good friends who just wanted to have some fun with him. Aren't I nice? 8D
Why sleep in the car? They can continue in there! LOL. *cough*Ishouldwritethat*cough*
Actually... I wish I was one of those friends and see them make out. xD Since I saw what a niceeeee body Jinki has from that one Star King episode on which he was.. on that.. ice.. thingy xD whatever it is called, I can't stop drooling when I recall his too perfect stomach ♥♥
....I hope you know both of them would end up having sex once more and YOU would have to read it AGAIN xDDDDDD? Do you really want me to write a sequel? XD
Comments 56
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Sie haben die Erlaubnis mir auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben... xD *lach*
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Guuut... lol ich hab voll die Komplexe wenn es um mein Englisch geht, deshalb bin ich da sehr vorsichtig bei deutschsprechenden Leuten... Ich habs bei denen net so gern, wenn die Fehler sehen, wie dumm das jetz auch sicher klingt...
.....,moment... wieso liest du diese FF überhaupt wenn du gar nich für jongyu bist? XDDDDD *geistesblitz*
I can imagine Jinki thinks Jonghyun is pulling a joke on him, because yeah. He wouldn't expect Jonghyun to like him too.
hehe. Alcohol really helps to solve problems. Even giving their friends a nice show XD
It first felt like his friends would pull a prank on him? Because you wrote Jinki was being naive telling them about his sexuality and such. But they kind of brought him to the place Jonghyun was.
So it's alright ^^
Really liked it ^^
<3 ~~
Thanks for commenting. *_*;;
LOL at first I was thinking about Jinki's friends kidding him but... I ended up being nice to him and let him have good friends who just wanted to have some fun with him. Aren't I nice? 8D
Why sleep in the car? They can continue in there! LOL. *cough*Ishouldwritethat*cough*
Actually... I wish I was one of those friends and see them make out. xD Since I saw what a niceeeee body Jinki has from that one Star King episode on which he was.. on that.. ice.. thingy xD whatever it is called, I can't stop drooling when I recall his too perfect stomach ♥♥
...I'm waiting for the sequel XD!
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