... are you insane if you don't talk to yourself only because you think'd be weird to hear your own voice? ... what's the opposite of outloud? it's not inloud, right?
shakespeare, shakespeare... you really could've made your plays a tad shorter. just a tad.
i've fallen asleep twice so far while doing APUSH. the third nap is coming up.
APUSH is going to give me a heartattack. I finish my test with a reasonable amount of time left... i go to the scantron thingy, it said i got an 8 (out of 80) mr.mui looks at me for a minute then he's like "oh, you forgot to put your ID on the test" THANK GOD!
im really sick and congested right now. BIRTHDAY IN 3 DAYS!!!!!!!
Birthday: October 22nd (Sunday) 2-6pm (most likely) If anyone has in problem with the time I can change it please don't ask me what I want. I want the world or London. If you dont know what to get me. I like money.
If I hate yogurt and im not a fan of soup. what can i eat when my mouth hurts alot from braces tightening?
sorry kalina for pulling out of our plans last minute but my mom .... i'll explain on monday.
so party definetely on the 22nd of october. it's only gonna be for three or four or five hours. we're eating the best cake in the world. need to know who's coming.
Birthday- I haven't asked about this yet but it's probably gonna be on the 23 of october at my house watching movies and playing ddr... ok, it may not be the coolest thing but you're a loser if you won't play ddr and watch zoolander.
I hate apush, i hate apush, and i really thought i did good on this test...
I hate money. The concept is sick and morbid. But more than money, I hate greed. And I hate having money and no conscience. And I really hate shopping.