I think I'm going geocaching tomorrow. First time. Anyone out there done it and have advice for me? Anything specific I should know/remember/think about? I'm searching my apartment for trinkets that I can leave behind. I'm completely psyched.
Also, I've heard that the Eva Solo Cafe Solo coffee maker is the best in the world, life-changing even. Anyone here have any experience with it? I may have 2 items on my list if it's as good as the hype.
My downstairs neighbors are throwing a raucous birthday party for someone in the backyard. It's quite loud and being the fuddy-duddy that I am, I want them to stop and go to bed or inside or something. It's only 10:15 on a Saturday night, guess I should be a bit more patient
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I am curious if anyone out there in LJland has ever read The Secret. What is the basic premise? I've only heard that one should 'demand' (not ask) for what one wants/needs/desires
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Ok, this is quickie post. I'm having an awful night and thinking that I need to lose myself in a long H/D fic from maybe the last hd_holidays or some other fest. I haven't read H/D in nearly a year, but maybe it'll help distract me.