Define Southern Hospitality ... because the lady at the walmart (a yankee thing to do, put the infront of things that don't have a the AKA: the 26 instead of I-26 or the Walmart) anywhoe (hahha) the lady at the walmart definitely was a biatch when telling we which isle to find hungry hungry hippo and a man definitely ran into me on the street today and didn't say shit to me, no excuse me, no I'm sorry NOTHING ... and I asked the ladies at the Hungry Cooter (ha) for extra olives and she put one SERIOUSLY ONE MORE olive on there. So this thing you speak of, Southern Hospitality, where was it today?
i was about to ask him the same thing. i had one of those days too, then i realized the reason my day was crappy was because although raised in the south, the boy im speaking of was born in Mass. have a better day tomorrow kendall! and Patrick i love you!!
OH OUCH hahaha I'm a Yankee .. and that's might be why I don't believe in this Southern Hospitality bullshit .. I don't think being fake is so polite. But I do love it here, I must admit.
We have Southern hospitality! The true South does. The people you probaly encountered today were from the North (all Charleston is now). Charleston has changed so much because everyone wants to move here. Go to a small town in the South (the real south...not the city of Charleston) and you will find hospitality. People dont even lock their doors to their houses or cars, everyone treats ya like you are their son/daughter, and its grand! The only Northern place that I have stayed (NY) I was treated like shit from the second I got there (the lady in the paying do das yelled at us because she wanted to go home! wtf) yea...Hope your day gets better tomorrow...maybe you can meet a hott Southern gentlemen MmMmM
I am a little offended by this comment. Because yeah I don't feel that all northerners are rude ... but whatever I know you didnt mean it as a malicious attack against me. I know there are nice people, there are nice people EVERYWHERE. Go outside NYC or even in it and you will find nice people. But no the people I encounterd the other day .. were Southern they had southern accents, they were definitely southern ... and who knows maybe they were rude to me because they could tell I am from the north .. I don't know. But I love you Brit/my twin ... even seen two twins .. one from the north and one from the south?
I didn't mean to offend you..I was just trying to make a point that Charleston really isn't very Southernly (I guess you could say) anymore because it has a lot of Northerners now. And that when I went to the North my only experience has been a bad one...But there is real Southern Hospitality...just not in Charleston...Charleston is too cityfied haha...I love you verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much my favorite yank hehe...<3 ya
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But I love you Brit/my twin ... even seen two twins .. one from the north and one from the south?
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