The following poems from the July 6, 2010 Poetry fishbowl are currently available. They may be sponsored via PayPal, or you can write to me and discuss other methods. By the way, the general fund presently has $5 in it.
Apology to a Daughter Once Removed" -- @ 17 lines, $10 SOLD
From your "cloning" prompt I got "Apology to a Daughter Once Removed," a family confession about the challenges and charms of cloning. This is a prose poem, a form I almost never write; and also an epistolary poem, which takes the form of a letter. So the line count is inexact, but that's okay because it falls near the middle of the "medium-short" range anyhow.
Coal into Diamonds" -- 24 lines, $10 SOLD
Okay, I gave this a try as a haiku chain. You'll have to judge how well it worked. I gave each of four theories a pair of haiku verses, and didn't count the main title or the subtitles in the line count. "Coal into Diamonds" not only follows the experimental anthropologist through several cultures, but hints that this character too is caught within the culture of origin.
"Courting on the Porch" -- 97 lines, $48.50
Okay, this is a little complicated. Long ago, I came across this alien race that has two sexes, but they don't reproduce the way we do. One sex is sessile and the other sex is mobile. A mobile sibling stays with the sessile sibling, and together they have to attract an unrelated mobile mate. The two mobiles provide the gametes, and the sessile incubates the young. That's the biology. "Courting on the Porch" is the romance, written in free verse.
"Editing Dunbar's Number" -- 61 lines, $30.50
I've encountered Dunbar's number before, but I think this is the first time I've seen that name for it. From this I got the free-verse poem "Editing Dunbar's Number," which explains how humanity finally achieved world peace.
The Given Now" -- 50 lines, $20
I combined both the language and the longevity into one poem, and then realized that it's in the same setting as "Passing Time" so
the_vulture is involved here too. "The Given Now" is a free-verse poem about how a society changes when it removes its mortal deadline. It doesn't necessarily go in a direction we would expect, because we're not there yet.
"Homefield" -- 28 lines, $15
I combined "homelessness and newer housing modules" with
jenny_evergreen's idea of designing a home that is unattractive to insects. The result is "Homefield," a free-verse poem about nanotechnology creating portable houses -- and the unanticipated side effects of that.
Passing Time" -- 16 lines, $10 SOLD
I have combined the concepts of "greetings" and "carlessness" to create the poem "Passing Time." It's positive science fiction, but in a different direction than usual: the appreciation of slow instead of fast. The evolution in this free-verse poem is not biological or technological, but social -- a fond awareness of how far that society has come.
RUT?" -- 102 lines, $51 SOLD.
Wow! This turned into a whole story, written in verse. "RUT?" begins with an old man finding an obsolete cell phone and dreaming about better days ... but then the old phone comes to life, and John has to remember what all those acronyms used to mean. It's sentimental, and a bit bawdy in places. This poem is epic length, which puts it into custom pricing: $.50/line. Poems too big for one person to afford can be cosponsored by several folks, all together or spread over time. This one would be rather amusing posted a verse or two at a time.
The Sungrazers" -- 14 lines, $10 SOLD
From "rites of passage" I got the idea for a species that lives in a cometary orbit. I think they reproduce by budding, but I'm not sure whether that's a sexual or asexual process for them. In any case, their rite of passage is perihelion. "The Sungrazers" is a sonnet telling of the approach, their apprehension and determination.
"What We Say in Passing" -- 38 lines, $15
Doubling back to
siege's comment about conlang greetings, I built a poem around greetings in natural and invented languages. "What We Say in Passing" is a free-verse poem about hidden messages.
Zen hugs" -- 12 lines, $10 SOLD
From this I got "Zen hugs," a haiku chain leading to spiritual technology. It deals with homesickness.