The following poems from the January 7, 2014 Poetry Fishbowl are currently available. Poems may be sponsored via PayPal -- there's a permanent donation button on
my LiveJournal profile page -- or you can write to me and discuss other methods.
There are still some verses left in the linkback poem, "
Her Crystalline Voice." You can reveal those by linking to this page.
A Bad Day in Bed" -- 23 lines, $10 SOLD
I used several of your quotes in the free-verse poem "A Bad Day in Bed." So many things can go wrong with kink!
"The Daughters of Janus" -- 96 lines, $48
A Dreamwidth prompt about all-knowing vs. all-powerful inspired the epic ballad "The Daughters of Janus." Two daughters contend for the right to become queen after their father.
Soldier Boy" -- 71 lines, $35.50
Your prompt about Ercole led to the free-verse poem "Soldier Boy." Sometimes toys bring up sad memories.
Spirit of Truth" -- 85 lines, $42.50
Based on your prompt about plans and consequences, I wrote the free-verse poem "Spirit of Truth." Glenta sends Shaeth and Trobby to collect herbs. They decide to make a batch of sun wine while they're out. This does not go quite as planned ...
"Thar She Blows" -- 42 lines, $20
I couldn't resist the exploding whale. The free-verse poem "Thar She Blows" is basically what it says on the tin.
Worse Than the Disease" -- 74 lines, $37
A backchannel prompt inspired the free-verse poem "Worse Than the Disease." Sheila asks the Sculptress to restore her vision; it works, but with unexpected consequences.