Frequently Asked Questions

Feb 08, 2009 22:00

Another post to organize things a little better. I hope its purpose is obvious and doesn't require another question to tack on here. Then again, this probably is the best place to ask it since I don't have a lot of questions here so far. (Maybe that's a good thing.)

Questions are listed in order as they come up with an organization by type under the cut. Since LJ-cut has a limit I'm forced to use just one big cut and anchor links. I'll probably change how this is arranged in the future, but since I'm lazy this is how it'll be for now.

Updated September 8, 2013

Writing-Related Questions
When are you going to update [insert fanfic here]?
Hey, I have a great idea for a story. Will you write it for me?
I have a suggestion for [insert fanfic here]. Could you have [insert event here] happen?
Why did you choose to have [insert pairing here] instead of [insert other pairing here] in [insert fanfic here]?! [Insert first pairing here] is horrible while [insert second pairing here] is great! How could you ignore all this evidence against it?
Can I marry [insert fictional character here]?
Would you mind reading my fanfic and giving me feedback?
Are you ever going to publish something professionally?
Why do you think the your stories on Fan Fiction Foibles aren't good enough to appear on the Pit of Voles Have you read some of the stories they got on there?
I want to make a request for Fan Fiction Foibles but I have no idea what my options are. What series are eligible to be requested?
I have a specific question related to one of your stories.
Do you archive your Fan Fiction Foibles or Christmas/birthday presents anywhere besides LiveJournal, such as on, You-Fic, deviantArt, etc.?
Are you going to post any of your stories on Fur Affinity/Y!Gallery/any other art site besides deviantArt?
I don’t like [region/continuity] names for [series]. Could you change them to [preferred region/continuity]?

Art-Related Questions
Do you take art requests?
Do you take art trades?
Do you take art commissions?
May I use your art in/on my [fan fiction/webpage/blog/layout/icons/photobucket/etc.]?
May I copy/trace/edit your art?

Yuki-Related Questions
Why are you so inactive?

1) When are you going to update [insert fanfic here]?

Unfortunately I don't have any idea, and neither does my co-writer NeonTiger. You see, fan fiction by definition is done for the purpose of entertaining the fan writing it. Neon and I, being adults with real world obligations during a time when the economy and our home lives are shaky at best, don't have a terribly large amount of time to devote to it. We write for what we're inspired for at the time, and if we feel it's good enough to post it'll get posted.

2) Are you ever going to publish something professionally?

That's what we're hoping to do sometime soon. We have a lot of original stories in the works or in the process of being submitted. It's part of what distracts us away from fan fiction.

3) Do you take art requests?
If you're a friend, maybe, though it all depends on if I have time and inspiration for it. If you're not a friend of mine then the answer is no. Sorry. I still haven't finished a sketch request meme that I got into a long while back. It does not bode well for me ever giving out requests to strangers ever again.

4) Hey, I have a great idea for a story. Will you write it for me?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oooooooooooooooooo-oooo.

Wordier answer: Neon and I don't take writing requests. We might get inspired by someone, particularly a good piece of art they did (you know who you are), but we're not going to write your story. No, not even if you've thought up the most awesome fan character ever, and think we're the best people out there to write his/her story. If your character/story is so amazing then we would never be able to write it out as well as you could, since you're the one who imagined it in the first place.

5) I have a suggestion for [insert fanfic here]. Could you have [insert event here] happen?

We take suggestions into consideration, but chances are the answer will still be no. Neon and I work out the plot ahead of time, and usually only the characters will dictate a drastic change in its direction. If you're disappointed you can always write about [event] in your own work of fan fiction.

6) Why did you choose to have [insert pairing here] instead of [insert other pairing here] in [insert fanfic here]?! [Insert first pairing here] is horrible while [insert second pairing here] is great! How could you ignore all this evidence against it?

Chances are it's because we like [pairing] more than your OTP [other pairing]. We know you might love [other pairing] to bits and maybe even wrote up some sort of romance manifesto to justify it, have a hundred reasons why you believe that it is superior, and a long list of fanfics about it that are great, but [fanfic] is our story. Nothing personal.

Take heart though; we make sure to take in character behavior into serious consideration, so we're not going to do something silly like murder [character]'s [girlfriend] so [he] would go on the rebound with [some guy] in bed. If we break up a couple or put two unattached people together then we're going to do it as closely in character as we possibly can. If that's not enough to soothe your shipping wrath, then we hope that you can squint during the romance parts and enjoy the rest of our story anyway.

7) Would you mind reading my fanfic and giving me feedback?
I'm sorry, but unless you're a good friend or your story comes highly recommended I just don't have any time. There are plenty of places around the net with betas just itching for the chance to give their opinions.

8) Can I marry [insert fictional character here]?


9) May I use your art in/on my [fan fiction/webpage/music video/blog/layout/icons/photobucket/etc.]?

My default answer to this is no. I only give permission rarely to clubs and close personal friends. If you see my art anywhere that isn't one of my official webpages, or doesn't mention my name and link back to one of said webpages, then it is 99.99% likely that the person used my art without my permission. If you see a picture by me in a clip art music video, floating around on photobucket, or even being used as a flagship image for some club that slashes guys with themselves, please understand that this was the work of art thieves. It's not flattering using my art this way. I don't get credited. I don't get feedback (which is the entire reason I post art online.) I don't even get asked if I'm okay with my art being used like it is. So, please, let me know if you find anyone who has taken my art without consent. I would greatly appreciate it.

10) Do you take art trades?

See answer 3. If I'm inspired enough, I admire your work, the stars align properly that I can undertake the task, and I likely have finished the request meme or given up finally I may do it. But, really, lately life has made it way too difficult for me to do the things I like without worrying about what someone else likes. Like the requests, don't seek me out for a trade. Unless you're a friend I'm going to have to turn you down.

11) Do you take art commissions?

I could repeat, "See answer 3." but in today's world money talks. Given how I've been spending most of my time working towards being in a state where I can earn a viable income, if the price is right and the subject matter tasteful... But that doesn't mean I'm seeking them out right now. I'm under enough pressure as is without my hobby becoming a second and very low paying job. Commissioned artists don't make all that much money for all the work they put into a picture, so if you're willing to pay for me to do something it's going to need to be enough for me to find it worthwhile to divert my energy away from endeavors that will help keep my family afloat.

12) Why are you so inactive?

My health has been generally poor since I was a child and when I'm not doing schoolwork I'm working on getting published. This means that when I get free time it's going to be spent doing things like, say, sleeping. Sleep is good for overworked sick people.

13) Why do you think the your stories on Fan Fiction Foibles aren't good enough to appear on the Pit of Voles Have you read some of the stories they got on there?

Yes. Yes I have, and I totally know what you're talking about. I've come across some terrible stories on there and experienced a partial rifting of the infamous My Immortal from a couple sources. I know there's no minimum standard of quality you're required to adhere to in order to post there, and I could post something I slapped together while completely drunk and it'd still be more coherent than some of the stories on there.

However it's not the standards of that are the deciding factor - it's my standards of what's good enough. Despite how old and embarrassing some of my older works are on that page now, they still were polished for their time, double-checked for spelling/grammar errors, run past betas, and generally they represent finished work for their times, even if the completed works were technically just individual chapters and not necessarily finished stories. They're a good indicator of how much I've improved and what I thought of as good and "professional" for their time. With my old unfinished works or random drabbles posted here I can dismiss them as being rough thoughts, but on I would look at those stories and say, "Hory clap, did I really think that was good enough to publish?" It's the difference between posting a sketch as a sketch and posting a scrap as a finished, featured piece of artwork.

14) I want to make a request for Fan Fiction Foibles but I have no idea what my options are. What series are eligible to be requested?

When I started out Fan Fiction Foibles I never intended them to be decided by the readers, but I've wound up taking requests more often than choosing for myself, so I guess I can leave a comprehensive list here of what's available plus a short summary. Naturally this list will have to be updated often as I write new things or post what was formerly available. For my your convenience I'll list them by series. Insert typical spoiler warnings that might be in the descriptions here.

Breath of Fire
Working Title: At the Castle
Summary: The first draft beginning of a story involving a new Ryu and Nina in a very complicated scenario involving thieves, a legend, new characters, and a dastardly plot.
Disclaimer: The story is unfinished and short. As such it's likely to be confusing, as it raises a lot of unanswered questions that won't be answered until NeonTiger and I make another attempt at it. It also does not follow any of the known games, taking the approach telling the story as if it's a new game plotline.

Chrono Trigger
Working Title: Tavern Talk
Summary: Magus has returned to 600 AD to search for some signs of Schala's whereabouts. However, instead of more clues about where his sister is he finds out what Glenn has been up to.
Disclaimer: This was the start of a bigger and more epic story that NeonTiger and I are currently rewriting, so it doesn't have an ending. It also will most likely be posted as a multi-parter due to its size.

Working Title: Babysitting
Summary: Sera is babysitting Ai and Makoto, and unfortunately the twins have gotten into something they really shouldn't have.
Disclaimer: Warnings for accidental child poisoning. This was written mid-transition between Dreaming To Reality as it was and as it is now. Characters and situations will at least be slightly different from the old draft. It is totally not canon for how things are being written in the current edition, available sometime in the future.

Working Title: Broken Partnership
Summary: Sera laments the loss of her unknown partner and tries to make the most of things by playing with her D-Arc. Unfortunately Impmon is not amused by the results.
Disclaimer: Another mid-transition story between old version DTR and new version. No real ending to speak of, but if you liked the part in the old version where Impmon got affected by cards from a distance, this drabble is for you.

Working Title: First Day of School
Summary: The Tamers crowd got all expense-paid scholarships to the most expensive school in the district. It's all so new to everyone, but Ryo has more problems than the other Tamers getting adjusted to it. The biggest one is named Zeed Milliniumon.
Disclaimer: Yet another mid-transition story. Multi-parter with yaoi hintings in later parts. NeonTiger and I did a lot of playing around of how we wanted the aftermath of Digimon Tamers to go. Unfinished with no real ending.

Working Title: AU Kaiser
Summary: What if Ken stuck around in the real world while he was still the Digimon Kaiser? Daisuke isn't about to let him have a chance to live a normal life.
Disclaimer: Just silliness with Daisuke chasing after Ken and Ken running away. Multi-parter.

Working Title: The Announcement
Summary: The opening day of Digimon World and the birth of Digital Max's greatest Digimon-related game to date.
Disclaimer: Another mid-transition story. This one involves a tie of Tamers, 02, and the New Levels short story.

Working Title: Christmas Alone
Summary: Impmon is left alone at Christmas by his Tamers. He's not going to stand for that!
Disclaimer: Unfinished mid-transition story, barely has any scenes with Takato at all.

Working Title: Zeed AU
Summary: Zeed Millenniumon has captured Ryo and plans to do what he always wanted to do with his Beloved... get drunk?
Disclaimer: Just a bit of fun with these two. Yaoi implied, since, well, Millenniumon really, really likes Ryo. Might be a multi-parter.

Working Title: Fun With Drawing
Summary: Takato and Tsuyosa don't get along at all! If you loved their bantering in DTR then you might love this too.
Disclaimer: Possible multi-parter.

Working Title: Dating and Drama
Summary: Impmon is not at all happy about the idea of Sera going out on a date with that slick Akira kid.
Disclaimer: Another mid-transition DTR story. When the current version eventually comes out you'll know who Akira and Akane are. Oh, and if you don't like officials with originals then this story isn't for you.

Working Title: Another Journey
Summary: Part 2 of Miyuki's story as previously seen.
Disclaimer: Mmm, yeah, didn't write much with Miyuki or the Pokemon crew yet. When NeonTiger and I do write with them again things will be pretty much an alternate universe to this.

Working Title: Supply and Demand
Summary: The Freedom Fighters have dangerously low supplies and need to get more. They have a location where they can get more, but unfortunately they may have to deal with a bunch of cannibals to get it.
Disclaimer: Multi-parter with some of NeonTiger and my characters tossed in and stuff like that there.

Tales of the Abyss
Working Title: Devour
Summary: Part 2 of Jade enjoying a conjugal visit with Dist. Part 1 is over here.
Disclaimer: Rated NC-17 with graphic depictions of two men in their mid-thirties engaging in sexual escapades. Also it is unfinished so the good stuff stops at a certain point. Sad innit?

Working Title: N/A
Summary: A random collection of small scenes involving Jade in his childhood.
Disclaimer: Either a multi-parter to do them individually or clump them together because they're small. Hard to say which.

Working Title: N/A
Summary: Ever wanted to see the rest of the story of Bakura's childhood that was started here?
Disclaimer: Multi-parter and rather graphically disturbing at times.

Working Title: N/A
Summary: A small first-person look into Bakura's mind and the effect Zork has on him. Placed around the ending.
Disclaimer: Daaaaark and possibly confusing.

Working Title: Invitation
Summary: Yugi and his friends have been invited to a new duel tournament that's rather strange in more ways than one.
Disclaimer: Multi-parter with hanging plot threads due to its unfinished nature.

Working Title: Eternal Desire
Summary: The pharaoh has returned for only one purpose: the seduction of Seto Kaiba.
Disclaimer: One teenage boy tries to seduce another teenage boy, though the steam is capped off at PG13. It actually sort of works as a stand lone teaser for other works coming up. Length makes it a likely multi-parter.

Yu Yu Hakusho
Working Title: Spirit Defective
Summary: The random adventures of the next spirit detective in line after Yusuke Urameshi.
Disclaimer: A challenge that turned into a multitude of scenes. It's not really in chronological order and some parts vary between first and third person. Not a comedy as the title suggests, but I couldn't resist the pun. Some parts are darker and higher rating than others. New character warning applies.

15) May I copy/trace/edit your art?

No. While I do appreciate that you would ask for permission rather than do it outright, I'm afraid I'm not comfortable with having my artwork copied or altered for use in other peoples' artwork. This may change in the future, or I may make drawings or templates for the specific purpose of being used freely by other artists, but at this point in time I would prefer you don't do it.

16) I have a specific question related to one of your stories.

I'd love to answer most any question for the stories NeonTiger and I write. However, LJ has limited space per post, so I'll be using a separate entry to tackle whatever questions you have about a particular story. Click here if you have any specific questions you'd like to ask about a particular story.

17) Do you archive your Fan Fiction Foibles or Christmas/birthday presents anywhere besides LiveJournal, such as on, You-Fic, deviantArt, etc.?

Aside from one exception, no, and I have no current plans to do so. Fan Fiction Foiblesare stories that are too rough and unpolished for me to want to go through the trouble of posting them across multiple websites. Presents for friends are just that - presents. If the person I gave them to wishes to spread word about them, that's fine, but the presents are moments in time, usually having fun with the receiver's characters. These presents don't seem to be well received outside of my circle of friends, as I have gotten more negative feedback than positive. If you wish to disagree on that then by all means let me know and I might reconsider. I've already been talked into polishing up one of the presents into a novel-length story.

18) Are you going to post any of your stories on Fur Affinity/Y!Gallery/any other art site besides deviantArt?

I don't plan on it. Posting Four's chapters on deviantArt was an experiment in seeing what it's like submitting prose to an art site. I've found that it can be quite troublesome and I'm not quite enthusiastic about trying again elsewhere or adding more stories to DA. It would take a solid argument to convince me to give another site a shot, such as an easier means of posting/reading prose, or if it's the preferred venue for a large number of people who like the story.

19) I don’t like [region/continuity] names for [series]. Could you change them to [preferred region/continuity]?

I'm afraid not. I'm sorry if you dislike the names Mouko and I opted to use in our stories, but, unfortunately, this is one of those situations where someone is going to walk away unhappy no matter what we do.

This is one of the tricky things about writing for characters that have different names depending on localization, specific continuity, or some other factor. No matter what naming convention an author goes with, there will always be a portion of the readers who are dissatisfied with it. The Blue verses Green debate in Pokemon is a pretty infamous example.

Mouko and I go over the pros and cons for each name a character has before we even start writing, and use that to help us make the best decision possible. Even the particular spelling of a character's name can be tricky because translating Japanese words into English isn't always clear cut. Choosing between L and R, using U or another way of elongating vowels, and even Engrish are factors that need to be considered.

If the names are too much of a distraction for you to enjoy the story, I have a suggestion for a compromise: save a copy of the story to your computer and use a program like WordPad or MicrosoftWord to replace the name you dislike with the one you prefer. That way, everyone can read the story with the names they are most comfortable with, so it won't detract from the experience.

writing xing, artsy stuffs, yuki at work, ramblings of an insane dragon

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