Title: 20 YamaJima moments for Ryosuke’s 20th birthday
Author: Mariko
Pairing: Read the title, alright?
Genre: Fluff. Romance. Angst. Horror. AU. Everything! ==”
Rating: PG only. NO NC - for YamaJima. Sorry. Nyahah~
Summary: Read the fucking title!
Happy Birthday, Ryosuke! )
Comments 23
^^ hahaha kakakilig yung ibang story :D hehehe at ang kulet nung mga cheesy pick up lines~
pinilit. ayun. bangag. XD
I'm glad that you liked the pick-up lines. mostly are not mine. the one with credits are not mine. nabasa ko somewhere or may bumanat lang din sa akin. XD
Thank you for reading!! ^^v
but i was grinning, chuckling, feeling so fluffy for the rest of it XD
Thank you for reading. I hope you like the pick-up lines. though most are not mine. XD
Yuto's cheesy lines are so cheesy XD
I enjoyed this a lot, sankyu mariko-chan~ :D
of course, yuto is cheesy - just for ryosuke. XD
Thank you for reading. and i'm glad you liked it. :)
at gusto ko yung Hot pink cocktail dress XD at saka yung puppy XD
ayoko nung dress. kawawang ryosuke. hahaha!! pero yung puppy - na-overdoes yata ng ka-cute-an. hahaha! XD
Thank you for reading!!
And don't mention the do XD
I was flailing when I saw the photo :D
maybe if you roam around, you'll find something cuter. :D
8: short but sweeet <3 i like it ^o^
hentai yuto making yama-chan wore a cocktail dress for dating XD yuto's cheesy lines are just lol
that is what you call simple moves. XD wahahaha~!!
and ignore 4-6. LOL~!
yuto is just being his usual self - pervert and lewdly imaginative. XD but i'm sure Ryosuke doesnt mind. ROFL~
Thank you for reading!! :D
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