Title: 20 YamaJima moments for Ryosuke’s 20th birthday
Author: Mariko
Pairing: Read the title, alright?
Genre: Fluff. Romance. Angst. Horror. AU. Everything! ==”
Rating: PG only. NO NC - for YamaJima. Sorry. Nyahah~
Summary: Read the fucking title!
Happy Birthday, Ryosuke! )
Comments 23
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Thank you for reading!! ^^v
I like Light and Dark the most though. :'Db
Thank you for reading!! :D
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Thank you for reading!! :D
Actually, I love all of it... It makes my insides giddy all of a sudden <3
Yuto is the dominant one here~~~
Thanx for the fluffiness overload- except prompt 4-6 of course, but still loved the creepiness indeed!..
As expected from you Mariko-chan~~
well, i just thought that a perfect fluffy love relationship seems impossible. so i put up some angst.. it seems like i just got extreme. xp A simple fight would do I think. hehehehehe!!!
and the dress, i just picked that photo somewhere in facebook. and voila.... the idea came to me. LOL!!
Thank you for reading. And being late is a whole lot better than never. >//////<
thanks for reading again. :)
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