Title: Sorry
Genre: Song-fic/Angst
Pairing: Kitayama Hiromitsu x Fujigaya Taisuke
Rating: NC-17/R
Warning(s): +Points at the rating+
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys :/ and neither the song.
Notes: Italics describes a flashback.
The song is
"Sorry" by Daughtry.
Thanks to
xxxvengeancexxx for being a wonderful beta ♥
He came back home a couple hours later. )
Comments 17
Oh, I need to write my Hirosuke-fic as well D:
You should D: so I would be able to read it XDD +needs HiroSuke ç__ç+
Oh, I know, but... I have hard time to write Taipi in women's underwears + catears Ops, I said too much! XD But I have also promised to some that I'll write KoyaShige since the world needs KoyaShige! ... And Hirosuke, of course!
*__________* THIS IS SO ARGH =çç=! I could die for it =ççç= You're meaan D: giving such a great hint DD:
KoyaShige *_* pretty *_* I like them.
You know what I think about this fic, but I'll say it again: I love it çOç♥ And thanks to Lexie for the translation<3
Your new Friends Only banner is so hot, and there you can see why Hiroro is so easy to imagine as Wonder Girl 8D (?) He's so hot, he's so fine
Hiro was so stubborn >_> he couldn't say what Taisuke wanted to hear ;__; but there was a happy ending *_*
Thank you ♥ I'm happy *_*!
Poor Lexie ç__ç she fixed so much things and made this fic looks better *_*!
God, the whole shoot is hot and for once Tamamori isn't between them!! I may imagine Hiro with a skirt, dancing and then sitting on the couch XDD
Ilu too*_*!
I need to finish the translation of her gift DD: I'm so lazy *hides*
OH GOD DDDDD: *dies because of the sexyness*
I hope you will like it ç__ç it was hard imagine Taipi as a seme XDD.
Fight mio Hiro èOé!
I knew it was too much also for you xD and not only me XDD
(The comment has been removed)
Poor Nika-chan XDD maybe sometimes he can be wise?XD
Well, I told you what I think of this but I'll tell you again - I really like it! It's nice reading it through properly ^_^
I guess it's really hard to covey those feelings when you try and translate something.
Italian is such a complicate language >_>
Thank you ♥.
Anyway, I know they debuted, even if I'm not really into them, I still read their news *_* and their whereabouts! I'm so glad they debuted, I waited too long for their debut and, unluckily, I dropped out of the fandom ;_;''
Oh no, it didn't bother me at all! The opposite in reality, I didn't expect anyone to read this ;_; so I'm pretty happy to know you liked this ♥
Thanks for the compliment and the comment ♥
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