Partner Theme!

May 14, 2009 20:36

S t a t s .
Name: Crystal.
Age: 18.
Previously matched with (if unstamped, leave blank): Yusuke.

A b o u t Y o u .
Likes: Fangirling. Music. Anime. Video Games. Coffee. Finland. Things like that.
Dislikes: Bad smells. Hot weather. Sleep, because it's totally overrated. Being ignored or not taken seriously.
Strengths: I'm really blunt and honest. I can get through any bad situation and still smile at the end of it all. I take my mistakes, and I learn from them.
Weaknesses: I bottle all of my emotions up until I explode. I keep everything to myself, even if it kills me. I don't know when to stop and think instead of rushing into things.
Describe your personality in four words: A walking contradiction. Yeah...
Worst fear(s): Being abandoned/betrayed by the people I trust, and finding in the end that my life amounted to nothing.

T h i s O r T h a t .
Aggressive or passive? I act passive, but with an underlying aggression.
Intuition or logic? Intuition.
Secretive or open? Secretive.
Come together or pull apart? Pull apart.
Mature or immature? Mature.
Traditional or unconventional? UNCONVENTIONAL.
Faith or reason? Faith, in some situations.

B a t t l e s .
Say you've taken up the role of part-time crime fighter - what's your weapon of choice? A rifle with a spearhead at the top, that's mostly used as a spear but a rifle if need be.
Do you prefer to work as a team or on your own? On my own.
During a stressful situation, do you think quick on your feet or meticulously consider all of your options? Quick on my feet.
How do you deal with stress? I either blast my music until it drowns out the stressful thoughts, or I take it out on other people.
Would you rather fight for the satisfaction of winning or fight to keep the peace? For the satisfaction of winning. Unless innocent people would get involved, then I wouldn't fight at all.
What side do you think you're more likely to be on: good or evil? Neutral.
What are your views on loyalty? It's great when it's there, but I don't expect it.
What one thing has the potential to be your ultimate downfall? My ego, probably.

V o t e s .
Please provide the links of three unstamped applications you've voted on.

P i c t u r e s .

partner theme: matched with koto

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