S t a t s .
Previously matched with (if unstamped, leave blank): Yusuke, Keiko, Team Masho, The Empress
A b o u t Y o u .
Likes: Chocolate, Fairness, Forgiveness, Japan, Mythology, Books, Anime, Manga, Culcture, etc...
Dislikes: Prejudice, Racism, Sexists, Feminists, etc...
Strengths: Understanding, Intelligent, Open-minded, etc...
Weaknesses: Eye-sight, Hand-eye-coordination, Clumsiness, etc...
Describe your personality in four words: Misunderstood, Unique, Complex, Topsy-Turvey
Worst fear(s):No-one loving anyone anymore, ever.
T h i s O r T h a t .
Aggressive or passive? Passive
Intuition or logic? Mix of both.
Secretive or open? Open
Come together or pull apart?Come together
Mature or immature? Mature
Traditional or unconventional? Unconventional
Faith or reason?Reason
B a t t l e s .
Say you've taken up the role of part-time crime fighter - what's your weapon of choice?Sword
Do you prefer to work as a team or on your own?Team
During a stressful situation, do you think quick on your feet or meticulously consider all of your options?Quick on my feet until I can consider all options.
How do you deal with stress?Not well, I clench my fists, take deep breaths and try to work through it.
Would you rather fight for the satisfaction of winning or fight to keep the peace?Fight to keep the peace, but if I win then I will have the satisfaction.
What side do you think you're more likely to be on: good or evil?Good
What are your views on loyalty?I would be loyal to someone until the end, if they were loyal to me. However, if they had no choice under certain circumstances, I would forgive them and still be loyal.
What one thing has the potential to be your ultimate downfall?Trusting the wrong person.
V o t e s .
http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/24011.html#cutid1http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/23750.html#cutid1 P i c t u r e s .
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a19/FearMeOfQuizilla/CCHS%20PROM%202009/CIMG1660.jpghttp://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a19/FearMeOfQuizilla/CCHS%20PROM%202009/CIMG1684.jpghttp://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a19/FearMeOfQuizilla/CCHS%20PROM%202009/CIMG1670.jpg(Prom pics!)