S t a t s .
Name: Eva
Age: 19
Previously matched with (if unstamped, leave blank): Kurama (Regular), Keiko (Gender-Bender), Team Toguro (DT Team), The Star (Tarot Theme)
A b o u t Y o u .
Likes: Art and design, nature, literature, music (all different kinds), technology, the paranormal, shopping, any sort of adventure, psychology, history, hanging out with friends, japanese culture, anything made by Apple, movies, fashion.
Dislikes: Loud noise, laziness, procrastinating, close-mindedness, bugs, being ignored, loneliness, feeling trapped, liars, being pitied, hypocrites, being underestimated.
Strengths: Honest, reliable, compassionate, hard working, determined, trustworthy, intelligent, works well under pressure, open-minded, creative, observant, typically reserved but outgoing when the time calls for it, polite, charming, diligent, motivated, realistic but believes in dreams.
Weaknesses: Highly sensitive, overly analytical, sneaky, prone to procrastination, obsessive compulsive, vain, stubborn, overly modest.
Describe your personality in four words: Determined, Optimistic, Strategist, Natural
Worst fear(s): If the people I care about most were disappointed in me because of something I did, or if I fell into the ways of people I disrespect.
T h i s O r T h a t .
Aggressive or passive? Passive
Intuition or logic? Mostly Intuition
Secretive or open? Secretive
Come together or pull apart? Come together
Mature or immature? Mature
Traditional or unconventional? Unconventional
Faith or reason? Reason, but it's good to have some faith.
B a t t l e s .
Say you've taken up the role of part-time crime fighter - what's your weapon of choice? Whatever I had at my disposal at the moment.
Do you prefer to work as a team or on your own? I enjoy working with a team as long as they are competent. Most of the time I prefer to work by myself since many of the groups I've worked with in the past will try to take advantage of my dedication as an excuse to slack off.
During a stressful situation, do you think quick on your feet or meticulously consider all of your options? Consider all options first and then decide which method was best to proceed with given the situation.
How do you deal with stress? I work well under pressure, but I usually find time to relax or listen to music to take my mind off of things.
Would you rather fight for the satisfaction of winning or fight to keep the peace? Fight to keep peace, winning isn't really that important to me.
What side do you think you're more likely to be on: good or evil? Good
What are your views on loyalty? I would always remain loyal to those I care about, they would have to do something pretty bad for me to loose my respect for them.
What one thing has the potential to be your ultimate downfall? My oversensitivity and reading too much into things. It's helpful but at the same time it's a curse.
V o t e s .
Please provide the links of three unstamped applications you've voted on. (These may be theme or plain.) You MUST vote again on different applications if you've previously voted and linked to them on an application of yours.
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