S t a t s .
Name: Sam. Ai. Yo. Bob. Nameless is even fine with me. ;) Just don't be rude.
Age: 21
Previously matched with (if unstamped, leave blank): Sakyo (reg); Toguro Team (DT team theme); Shizuru (gender bender); The Hanged Man (YYH darot deck theme)
A b o u t Y o u .
Likes: Writing, reading, anime, fanfiction, the occult, nature, college, learning, languages, people who are proud of their heritage, manga, people who are intelligent, people who can think for themselves, the paranormal, any activity that is mind opening, curiosity, people who are open minded, people who listen, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hiei, Touya, English, drawing, singing, any activity that is creative, giving to other people, staying away from other people, meditating, working to better humanity, being vegetarian, having money, traveling, butterflies, fire, ice, winter, fall, poetry, science fiction, fantasy, magic, spirituality, Native Americans, Japan, India, libraries, books, reading, hiding, keeping people guessing, and many, many, many other things...
Dislikes: Close-mindedness, fake people, homework, tests, stupid people, racism, meat, anxiety, not being able to feel sometimes, numbness, not being able to remember things, senseless hatred, people who do things without thinking of the consequences, fashion, staying in one spot for too long, mind games, being ignored, people who try to tell me who I am when they don't know anything about me, Charles Dickens, and probably many other things...
Strengths: Intelligence, sensitivity, creativity, open-mindedness, self-awareness, inner strength, self-preservation, knowing what I want out of life.
Weaknesses: Stubbornness, working myself to the point of illness and exhaustion, sometimes I think myself into a depression or rage, I analyze and dissect myself and situations to pieces, I can be way too untrusting, I can hold grudges that last a lifetime, I can also be a bleeding heart, self-doubt, I worry too much, being emotionally inept when it comes to human relationships, and if I keep going with this, I won't stop for several pages...
Describe your personality in four words: Intelligent, Persevering, Intuitive, Creative.
Worst fear(s): Trusting someone with my heart, dying alone, failing at life, rejection, clowns, falling down, not being able to breathe, ...men.
T h i s O r T h a t .
Aggressive or passive? Passive aggressive.
Intuition or logic? Intuitive logic.
Secretive or open? Secretive.
Come together or pull apart? Pull apart. If it easily can come together, I don't trust it at all.
Mature or immature? Mature.
Traditional or unconventional? Unconventional.
Faith or reason? Uh. I prefer reason, but I'm learning slowly how to have more faith.
B a t t l e s .
Say you've taken up the role of part-time crime fighter - what's your weapon of choice?
Hmm... -thinks really hard- I want to say bow and arrow, but that's too unconventional for what would be involved as a crime fighter. I guess something ninja-like because I would want to utilize stealth above all else. Shuriken. Poison daggers--when up close. Bombs when I'm out of range. -gives an evil smile- Well, maybe, a ninja crime fighter isn't exactly something you hear about everyday either.
Do you prefer to work as a team or on your own? On my own. I'm a ninja crime fighter!
During a stressful situation, do you think quick on your feet or meticulously consider all of your options? I'm strategist, even in a crisis situation. So both I suppose.
How do you deal with stress? Depends on the type of stress and the situation. In Normal situations, I don't handle it well at all, and I get sick because of it. -is excessive worrier- But I'm rather...intriguing. I can become a cold, meticulous woman who brings order to a situation that is brinking on the edge of no return; subduing chaos and crisis is among my off-the-wall specialties. And no I'm not a doctor. ;)
Would you rather fight for the satisfaction of winning or fight to keep the peace? Hey, if peace comes of me satisfying my need to win the fight, then everyone is happy, ne?
What side do you think you're more likely to be on: good or evil? Um. I'd probably be on the side that is most advantageous to me. Although lately, it seems I have a Sakyo stigma... hee. Must mean I have an evil streak somewhere in me. ^^;
What are your views on loyalty? It's perfectly alright to fuck someone over, if they fuck you over. If ties of loyalty have been breached, then the contract is null and void. However, if no one has breached the contract, then loyalty with one's ally should stand, unless, of course, there are extenuating circumstances. Always gray areas.
What one thing has the potential to be your ultimate downfall? The way I pick myself apart analytically...I do it until I'm spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally bleeding... and then I'll let those wounds scab over and then rip the scabs off. I'm an emotional masochist... I love to torture myself in the most creative, non-physical ways. It's a bad habit I'm trying to curb...
V o t e s .
Please provide the links of three unstamped applications you've voted on. (These may be theme or plain.) You MUST vote again on different applications if you've previously voted and linked to them on an application of yours.
I voted on these just right before they were stamped:
ni, to
san P i c t u r e s .
I don't feel like posting one...but here ya go.
It's a pretty pic of my hand. :D