Title: A Split in the Skin of the World
Characters: The Doctor, Amy
Rating PG
Spoilers: Doctor Who, informed by up to 5x05
Notes: ~800 words, not much Master in this one sadly, tentatively feeling out the characters' voices, and scrambling to keep up with/adjust to canon's revelations and still tell the story I want to tell. Follows
The fracture collapses, leaving a bank of snow with an ordinary line in it... )
Comments 11
I have a feeling that whoever is on the other side of that crack is going to cause grief come the end of S5... sadly, in Moffatt's DW I don't think it will be the Master this time around, but ever since I saw the crack in TEH, I've wanted it to be something to do with the Time War and Gallifrey appearing and then being sucked back into the Time Lock...the Master trying to find a way back; it would fit so well.
And I LOVE the Moff's explanation for why mankind has conveniently forgotten SO many alien invasions (Amy forgetting the Daleks, the history books forgetting the Cyberking stomping all over old London, and so on...) - and really when you think about it it's so flippin' obvious isn't it... but I love it that no-one has thought of it until SM in S5!!!
I love RTD's writing, but SM's plots are altogether more convoluted and tend to leave less loose ends. Which in a way is a bit of a bummer for fanfic writers, lmao.
Works proceeds apace...although it always seems to take some sort of minor panic (like seeing Flesh and Stone) to spur me to actually finish even a ficlet/continuation and get it posted up. I suppose that means I shall have to keep hoping for small crises.
But of course the Doctor's always running away from it, and it'll always come back to haunt him.
Please tell us who GreyEyes is - I'm pretty sure I wonder if I know :P
Not that I'm saying I'll reveal the answer just yet, but I'm very curious--who do you think it is?
:P Trying to be ambiguous but I don't know if it worked :P
Amy's alarm is like a surge of adrenaline, but lately it's been different. It's fear, yes, but also anticipation. Excitement.
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