The World Without

Mar 20, 2010 21:40

Title: The World Without
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4130
Summary: But it was worth it for Luna.
Note: I first got the idea for this fic while listening to A Fine Frenzy's 'The World Without'.  When I began the fic, however, I was listening to another one of AFF's songs, 'Whisper', so that's where the first line comes from.  I basically ( Read more... )

fanfiction, pairing: ginny/luna, harry potter

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Comments 27

lash_larue March 21 2010, 02:10:23 UTC
Luna, who I could find anywhere in the world and she’d still look at me like I was there by accident.

Best Luna desrciption EVER!

Too tired to read it all and do it justice, but I have another reason to get up in the morning.


zagury March 21 2010, 21:01:02 UTC
I'm rather fond of that line myself. :)

Looking forward to another comment from you! Thanks for reading.


volsi March 21 2010, 03:36:04 UTC
This is very nice for a lot of reasons. It's well written and fresh. It also defies all these slash tropes that the characters have to have crazy sex within their first two dates or so. This was just two girls finding each other, very sweetly. I really enjoyed it.


zagury March 21 2010, 21:02:04 UTC
I like the way you analyzed this fic; it's nice to have someone see something in your story when you yourself don't see it. Thanks!


magicmumu March 21 2010, 06:16:37 UTC
Hey Friend,

I see you have yet another awesome story out for me to read, and I am loving every bit of it. So many good lines I would like to quote, but you know them all, as you wrote them. One I don't think I will ever get out of my head though: "I never lost sleep over Harry. I lost my head over Luna."

I always like to think that a Harry/Luna comarison for Ginny would be summed up like that.

What a beautiful story, especially the last few lines after the I love you's. I want to go and squee now.



zagury March 21 2010, 21:03:07 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy to have pleased you with something as simple as this.


zofbadfaith March 21 2010, 13:43:30 UTC
I liked the scenes from when they were in the bedroom. It's kind of... nostalgic, I think; a little painful, but nothing I can't handle. :)
It's beautiful, cookie :) thanks for sharing.


zagury March 21 2010, 21:04:30 UTC
You and me both, Zee ;)
thanks for reading


redbeargrl March 21 2010, 16:29:34 UTC
Such a beautifully written voyage of discovery for these two. I love how you captured the mystical and sensual aspects of their budding relationship without being overly sentimental. A very nice way to start my day. Thank you so much for posting this!


zagury March 21 2010, 21:05:54 UTC
Ha! I never knew it was possible for me to NOT be overly sentimental. This has possibly been the most flattering thing I will hear all day. Thanks so much for reading!


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