just poking at LJ after discovering Xanga seems to be non functional after their update seeing who all is still around and such. Ive been to blasted busy for the most part these last few years. no time for the internet or hobbies. this year thus far has been kind took a big trip to see family Ive not seen in forever which was awesome!
Well Im working again hopefully i'll soon be able to funnel money to my new computer fund it needs to be capable of running hexagon spore and Warhammer on line and whatever other program I decide i want to shove down it's throat
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looks like shadow is experiencing some major technical difficulties, it could just be that the server is not that great a computer too. I will see tonight when i meet up with Shadows codemaster, and server host Cormac
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Franky we were trying to get the name Shadowkin but we were literally a day late in buying it. So we had to go with the name Shadowdragonbreath.com. any how it is up and running it's owned by heavyarms88kai and I am one of the admins. we just need to finish up the boosting formats for a few sections and take down some more ideas for future site
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Oh my god Rocky is soo cute! :3at at10 going on11 months old, he's hardly bigger than an 8 month old kitten and just so mellow. Crystal (heavy arm's/ dark dragon's cat) is really not taking it well. and rocky looks like he's just trying to explore and make friends
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he-he I lost the edit post button XD. Any how It was a relief this week going to the fair. It was very nearly a skanky outfit free zone. Life has been interesting this coming week I'm going to go camping with nick other than that he and I have been up to much in the way of events. Ranging from berry picking to checking out a local sand castle
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