Glow bowling last night wass extremely fun. We need to do that again and SOON. Only next time, let's pick a different alley or something so we don't run into Schmidt and Gorski. Other than English paper is done and turned in, I can finally have some free time...I still don't known as much I would like about Mexico, but I do think that
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I'm the biggest procrastinator in the century. I started the intro for English, but that's it. I can write most of it in 2nd and 6th since I don't do anything during those classes. On top of that, ler's just say gov and I'm sure you will know how I feel. I'm glad that that exam isn't until next Friday. On a happy note though, 2nd and 4th are open
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So I definitely got an iPod for x-mas, sweet. Other than that it was the "usual" gifts. Didn't really get a whole lot this year since we got the car, and I already had a cell phone, so only that was the only "big" present.
So I definately DO NOT want to take the gov test tomorrow. I still have about 30 pages of MP to read, which will be a slow process because I don't speak gibberish. I sort of looked over what I highlighted for the chapters. We have to do that EDP thingy tomorrow in Vincent's, maybe I can study then. I asked Schmidt if we could play Hotspot tomorrow
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Yeah, so I get home from babysitting tonight only to realize that my cousin had taken my house keys off of my key ring. On top of that, my family was at a party. But luckily, they were just leaving when I called to tell them what happened. So now I have no house keys.