ZeldaQueen: Sorry folks, bit more of a wait before we can eviscorate with a spork meet the Sue for this evening. Not too much longer though. Hang tight!
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
Dreams come in many forms. Some good, some bad, some very realistic, even ones that feels very real.
ZeldaQueen: You said that already.
A dream may come to us from happy events, or even stem from bad events in our lives. Some come to us as a pleasure dream and some come as nightmares. Some become vague memories after time, while some stay very rich in our minds.
ZeldaQueen: With these second-grade sentences, this is reading like a Dr. Seus book.
This is a story about a dream that I had. A dream that became more dreams. A dream that would end one night then resumes the next. It became like a second life.
ZeldaQueen: You told us this already in your insane Author’s Notes!
Ever since I became a Zelda fan, I grew an interest in Link.
ZeldaQueen: Oh ho, I’ve read ahead, I know what sort of an “interest” you took. You dirty, dirty, girl.
I thought of him as the perfect man.
ZeldaQueen: Let’s see, he doesn’t talk, doesn’t have much of a personality, and only does what the the player tells him to. Yep, sounds perfect to me.
Wait a second, that sort of sounds like Edward Cullen…
One that you could not find of this world.
ZeldaQueen: That’s because he’s a video game character you moron!
I thought of him as a man that should have been. The more that he attracted my attention the more I became more attracted to him.
ZeldaQueen: Paging the Department of Redundancy Department!
I felt like there was a connection between him and me. Then he became a part of me, and after that I fell deeply in love with him.
ZeldaQueen: You sound like that guy in Artemis’s Lover who spent his Author Notes talking about how he was in love with his own cat.
Love is a very strong emotion, an emotion that should be treasured. Love comes from the heart, but when it takes hold, it’s got you. I quite don't understand it myself, but I do know that when I first laid my eyes upon Link I fell in love with him.
ZeldaQueen: Yes, love shouldn’t be taken lightly. How could you fall in love with Link at first sight though? You never spoke to him! You never shared any experiences with him! He’s a video game character!
My heart just told me it was right. Told me he was the one, the one I had been searching for.
ZeldaQueen: How old was this girl when she wrote this?
Ever since then I have felt that it was destiny that has brought me to him.
ZeldaQueen: If by “destiny” you mean “renting from Blockbusters”
Even in my mind it feels the same. I don't consider myself any different from anyone else.
ZeldaQueen: Ohhhhh, I beg to differ
Though I have love for someone that is not really there, he will always remain very real to me inside my heart and in my mind.
ZeldaQueen: Don’t you have Malon and Ruto in your stupid fanon decide that their love for Link “is not really there”? Hmm?
And he’s a video game character!
Even to this day I still love him. He has kept me very happy. He has made me happy when I was sad.
ZeldaQueen: You said that already!
He has made me feel stronger about myself. He has even taken care of me in ways that no one else can.
ZeldaQueen: How nice that you feel that a video game character has cared for you more than your parents or friends. Please seek therapy.
And I’ve seen how you and Link are together. Or rather, that neurotic person that you put in the place of Link. Trust me dear, there are plenty of men who are able to do everything you have your smooch-pie do.
Even though I have feelings for him, I'm not any different from the rest of you.
ZeldaQueen: All viewers who fell in love at first sight with a video game character and believe you are married to them in another plane of existence, raise your hand. *crickets* Thought so.
I will always hold him close to me in my heart. He is still on my mind and I still have dreams. The connection stills remains strong, and the dreams very real.
ZeldaQueen: You’ve said this already! This is starting to play like the audience participation in Rocky Horror Picture Show
I lived an entire life with Link in Hyrule. All stemming from a series of dreams. Dreams that I want to have. Dreams that I make happen. From the first day I met him, to the birth of our first child, to even the days when Link and I prepared our family in the event that Gannon should return.
ZeldaQueen: Lady, you just got GANNON BANNED! Seriously, that’s like one of the cardinal rules of the Legend of Zelda, only one “n” after the “a” in Ganon. For someone who claims to be in love with Link, you know surprisingly little about his games. Or do you only love him because he’s hot?
Bella Swan knew virtually nothing about Edward Cullen besides the fact that he was hot. Uh oh…
This book is based on my inner life. A second life lived in a far away land in another time line in another dimension. A tale of love, passion, despair and hope.
ZeldaQueen: Will you get on with it?
I enjoyed my inner life. I looked forward to going to sleep to it every night. And I look forward to ones that will come, because LOVE WILL NEVER DIE.
ZeldaQueen: So we’re reading the musings of a crazy person, if it wasn’t apparent already. Sorry folks, looks like it’s next chapter that we get Jenna.
And Suethor, this wasn’t a prologue. This was a second Author’s Notes.
Stephenie Meyer didn’t know what a prologue was either. I’m starting to get rather disturbed…
ZeldaQueen: Next chapter, we meet our Sue. Hooray!
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Chapter 1: The Beginning (Part 1) Back to:
Author's Notes Return to:
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