ZeldaQueen: Hello, poppets! Today, Gethesemane shall be trying her hand at "alternate points of view" and we'll get more evidence that she and Meyer are one and the same
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
Chapter 9: Another Bargain Made
Jack’s Point of View
ZeldaQueen: Okay, right here, twenty million points docked. Take notes, everyone, it is possible to switch points of view and the like without clumsily and blatantly labeling it. And while you don't have to, it does tend to work better if you group the alternate perspectives in some sort of order, so that there's some sense to it. Gethesemane clearly has never hit upon this idea, as we'll see that she random picks chapters for alternate points of view, with very little rhyme or reason to it. I've heard that this is one of her earlier fics, so I guess she was experimenting, but it's still clunky
Kate and I rose from the deck, and I turned my head when Gibbs approached.
ZeldaQueen: Wow, you guys really will do it any time and anywhere
“Put as much distance between us and this island and make for open sea?” Gibbs asked.
ZeldaQueen: (Gibbs) "I apparently need to go to you for instructions, since you seem more interested in boning the Sue instead of actually captaining your ship"
“Yes to the first and yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows.” I answered.
Gibbs frowned. “That seems a bit contradictory, sir.”
I nodded. “I have every faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, Mr. Gibbs,” I said matter-of-factly.
ZeldaQueen: (Jack) "And normally I would find the monkey to shoot it, but that would be funny and require me to leave the Sue, so it has been removed"
I felt Kate leave my arms, and I turned to look at her. She had walked to the railing, and was now staring out over the horizon.
“Are you still intent on pleading your case?” I asked her as I came to stand next to her.
ZeldaQueen: (Jack) "Fantastic. I'll make my getaway, then"
Kate was a stubborn little vixen, and I didn’t try to convince her otherwise. But I still didn’t want her getting hurt.
ZeldaQueen: Oh please, like Jack would care!
What did you expect? Of course someone will get hurt!
ZeldaQueen: Yeah, sorry folks, but Jack's going to be really angsty in this. He's pretty much a cookie cutter of all of Gethesemane's lust interests though, so it's to be expected
I shook my head.
Kate turned and looked at me. There was something in her eyes, something that I couldn’t place.
ZeldaQueen: Cucumber slices. She was in the middle of her facial
She seemed on the verge of tears.
ZeldaQueen: As usual. Despite touting their "strong, liberated chick" flags, Gethesemane's sues always fold like a pack of cards at the first sign of their man being unhappy or threatened
“What is it?” I asked.
She looked down at the deck, pursing her lips. “What if he doesn’t take the deal, Jack?”
“Jones most likely will take the deal,” I answered her. “You and I both know how much he loves a good bargain. Your life for
mine…this is the kind of exchange that makes him giddy.”
ZeldaQueen: (Jack) "After all, love, you are a Mary Sue. Who could possibly resist you?"
Seriously, what has this chick done to make herself on par with Jack Sparrow?
I looked at her again, and gently tilted her head to look at me.
“No matter what happens, I’m always with you,” I murmured to her. “I have been for the past ten years, and I always will be.”
I lowered my lips to hers, slowly drawing her against my body as she parted her lips. I felt her wrap her arms around my neck,
and I ensnared my fingers in her hair as the kiss deepened.
ZeldaQueen: Oh, for fuck's sake, why don't you two do something useful? Like dealing with the damned Kraken?
When the need for air grew too great, I reluctantly pulled away from her.
“This is going to work out in the end,” I said softly.
She smiled. “I trust you.”
ZeldaQueen: Well my dear, that's a very good indicator of your intelligence. Or rather, your lack thereof
I kissed her again, and then turned and walked up to the helm.
“I didn’t know you were married,” said a familiar voice from behind me.
ZeldaQueen: Oh yeah, Will's here. I thought Gethesemane forgot about him, getting wrapped up in her harlequin fantasies
I turned to find Will Turner standing behind me. He hadn’t changed since I saw him last.
ZeldaQueen: He was still a crossdresser, with a perchance for wearing hats festooned with fruit and live birds
“Who told you that?”
He motioned to Kate. “Your wife.”
ZeldaQueen: She's clearly been swapping tricks with Victoria
She had told him we were married. That was a bit of a stretch, but if it weren’t for my mistake, it would be the truth. So I said nothing to contradict it.
ZeldaQueen: I'd like to think that Jack would try to screw Kate over in some way, for pulling a stunt like that. He got sex with her, and she was nothing but a bitch to him before. Why would he be okay with her suddenly and for no reason at all declaring that they were married?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.
“You didn’t ask, for one thing,” I answered. “Why would it matter?”
ZeldaQueen: (Will) "Well, you honestly seem more of the sort to let off steam with cheap hookers"
“It just seems to me that you’re the type to be afraid of commitment.”
ZeldaQueem: BAM, who called it?
I grinned at him. “You catch a girl like that, you’re not afraid of anything anymore.”
ZeldaQueen: After dealing with a sue, almost no danger can compare. Except, of course, an even worse sue.
I then moved to the rail, opened the Compass, and stared at its face.
“Jack,” said Will quietly.
“Not now,” I answered without looking up.
“Jack, I need…”
“Not now,” I snapped, reaching for my pistol.
Will frowned, and I rolled my eyes.
ZeldaQueen: I'm sorry, but when has Jack Sparrow rolled his eyes? And why is he acting like Will's so annoying, all of a sudden? Oh, right, the suethor hates him. My bad, carry on
“Where’s the monkey?” I asked.
I figured that as long as I had my pistol handy, I might as well practice.
ZeldaQueen: Um, Jack doesn't need to practice. His talent was supposed to be in shooting. You'd think a fangirl like Gethesemane would know something like that. Or was she too busy mooning over Depp's eyes? *pointed stare*
As if in reply, the little mutant let out a teasing screech from the rigging.
“Jack, I need that Compass.”
“To rescue Elizabeth.”
I shook my head and began to climb the rigging.
“That has a familiar ring to it,” I muttered.
ZeldaQueen: Um, we know, Gethesemane. That was kind of the point
Will frowned again.
To drive the point home, I added, “Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her? Maybe just lock her up somewhere?”
ZeldaQueen: Gethesemane. Dear. Please listen. Just because we aren't told the thought process of Jack when he delivers these lines doesn't mean we can't guess them. The purpose of an alternate POV is to give better insight into the mind of the character. Thus far, this has been devoted to (A) thoughts on the Sue and (B) providing "original", "insightful" commentary on canon lines, with everything that made them funny and charming removed. This isn't an alternate point of view, this is stupid
“She is locked up. In prison. Bound to hang for helping you.” He snapped.
ZeldaQueen: You tell him, Will!
On my Grammar Nazi side, shouldn't there be a comma after "you", with the "h" in "he" in lowercase?
I paused for a moment to let his words sink in.
ZeldaQueen: Please. Jack took it all in stride
I have bigger problems to deal with, I thought. She doesn’t have Davy Jones on her ass.
ZeldaQueen: Normally, I would find it in character for Jack to decide that his problems are more important than Will and Elizabeth's. The entire thing is kind of undermined by the fact that Jack has done very little but fret over the Sue, thus far
I shrugged and continued to climb. “There comes a time when one must take the responsibility for one’s mistake.” I said as I settled into the crow’s nest.
I felt the cold touch of steel at my throat - Will’s sword.
ZeldaQueen: Do it, Will! And then get the Sue!
“You will hand it over. Now!” he said, leaning into the nest. “In exchange you will be granted full pardon and commissioned as a privateer in service to England.”
I sighed. “I wonder what my crew will think when they see you’ve skewered their beloved and duly chosen captain? And what of my wife, William?”
ZeldaQueen: Somehow, I don't get the feeling that Jack is that beloved. And to Hell with the sue, she shouldn't be butting in every other sentence
“The crew will see it as an example,” Will said sternly. “As for your wife, I don’t think she’d mind being a widow.”
ZeldaQueen: Go Will!
I'm sorry, am I supposed to not be sympathizing with him?
I glanced at him. And knew that I had some leverage.
“All right,” I nodded. “You get the Compass, you rescue your bonnie lass. Where’s my profit?”
ZeldaQueen: You get to be in five billion sequels and have countless Mary Sues act as avatars for bored, horny fangirls
“You get full pardon,” Will explained. “Freedom. A commission.”
I shook my head. “No, accepting those things is what you want from me. Don’t you want to know what I want from you?”
Will lowered his sword and turned his head away. I had gotten to him.
“What do you want from me, Jack?” he sighed in submission.
ZeldaQueen: (Jack) "Put on this skirt and dance the hula"
“It’s quite dangerous…” I said, cautioning the whelp. “I will trade you the Compass, if you will recover for me…” I handed him the small cloth. “…this.”
ZeldaQueen: Why would Jack caution Will? Jack was trying to downplay how dangerous the key was. He wanted Will to think that finding it would be easy
Will eyed the imprint of the key on the cloth. “So you get my favor and the Letters of Marque as well?”
I nodded. “And you save your fair damsel.”
ZeldaQueen: Great. Stop holding my hand
“This is going to save Elizabeth?”
I leaned in as if the very air were listening. It was enough that the sea itself was on Jones’s side.
“How much do you know about Davy Jones?” I asked in a whisper.
“Nothing,” Will answered.
ZeldaQueen: Wasn't it "not much" in canon? Is the suethor trying to make Will look dumb or something?
“Yep,” I said, nodding firmly. “it’s going to save Elizabeth.”
ZeldaQueen: Before I end this chapter, I would like to point out something about this alternate point of view.
It is written in almost exactly the same tone of voice that Kate speaks in. And later, it's the same for Elizabeth. In other words, Gethesemane was the precursor to Meyer and her stupid "one voice for all characters" thing. In other words, the suethor apparently thinks that Jack thinks like a harlequin novel heroine. Hack
Onward to:
Chapter 10: Tia Dalma Back to:
Chapter 8: The Rescue Return to:
Table of Contents