Heart Of The Sea: Chapter 10 - Tia Dalma

Dec 08, 2010 20:44

ZeldaQueen: Before we start, and while we're getting into painful Mary Sue subjects, I have interesting Breaking Dawn news for all! I was at the supermarket and was flipping through the magazines for sale, and found an article on the movie. It seems that the screenwriter has confirmed that yes, we are in fact getting a horrifically "intense" birthing scene, and Kristen Stewert can't wait to film it. Thank the lord!

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 10: Tia Dalma

Kate’s Point of View

ZeldaQueen: I guess these points of views are all so similar, Gethesemane has to warn us when they change

It wasn’t until later that Jack returned to me again.

ZeldaQueen: Because his life now firmly revolves around the Sue, and he can't be without her for the slightest bit of time

“You must’ve made a bargain with Will,” I said, “because he looks defeated.”

ZeldaQueen: Because, ha ha, doesn't Will suck?

“He was oddly compelled to listen to me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Everyone is oddly compelled to listen to you.”

ZeldaQueen: Okay, that right there really pissed me off.

Yes, Will was "oddly compelled" to agree with Jack. Why? He didn't have a fucking choice! He and Elizabeth were arrested! They were both SENTENCED TO HANG! Both because they took pity on Jack and helped him escape! And it's clear that the one he's worried about is Elizabeth. The woman he loves, his fiance, the girl he took up piracy for and fought undead skeletons to save and nearly died to find, is locked up in jail, and depending on him! If he doesn't get the compass from Jack, he has more or less sentenced Elizabeth to death.

And this is given a passing glance from Kate and Jack. Yes, I know that Kate doesn't know the circumstances. Yes, I know that Jack is, by canon, a bastard who looks out for himself first and foremost. But it still makes me angry. Gethesemane does know what Will's circumstances are, and has never had problems with her Sues instantly taking shines to people whether or not they know said people's histories. And we're supposed to see this as admirable. That it's likable for Kate and Jack to go "Tee hee" about how defeated Will is, over this entire thing. All I see is how it seems rather socipathic, and that we're expected to like them for it.

Go to Hell, Sue and Suethor alike

He flashed me a toothy grin, but I turned away.

ZeldaQueen: Wise girl. Word of God has, after all, stated that Jack has breath like a "donkey's ass"

It’s not a matter of how long till it comes after you; it’s a matter of how long till you’re found.

ZeldaQueen: Oh fuck me, are we on this again?

Bootstrap Bill’s words echoed in my mind. I was still in fear of losing Jack, and I wasn’t certain if Davy Jones would take my offer. I was willing to risk everything, and yet I wasn’t willing to risk anything.

ZeldaQueen: How does that make sense?

“What’s come over you?” Jack asked. “You haven’t been yourself since…”

He looked down at his wrapped hand.

ZeldaQueen: Well, S&M does take a lot of energy out of a person

“I’m frightened, Jack. If Jones doesn’t take me instead of you, your fate is worse than death. You can’t act like you’re not terrified.”

ZeldaQueen: WHY DO YOU CARE?

Seriously, this is the dumbest "plot" I've seen! This is almost as bad as Bree Tanner! WOULD IT KILL YOU TO HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF JACK SPARROW?

“Of course I’m bloody terrified!”

We kept our voices low, for Will was only a short distance away.

ZeldaQueen: And of course he can't know, because he sucks

“Kate, you know as well as I do that there’s no guarantee that Jones will take you in my place. And this is why I don’t want you doing anything stupid.”

ZeldaQueen: Yeah, good luck trying to enforce that one, buddy

I sighed. “I’m willing to trade my life for yours, no matter the risks.”

“You really need to stop being so damn noble.”

ZeldaQueen: She's no more noble than Bella Swan

The mists lay heavy upon the mouth of the Pantano River as two longboats rowed through the silent waters. Will, Ragetti, and Gibbs rode in the lead, followed by Jack, Pintel, Cotton, and me.

ZeldaQueen: Um, when did Ragetti and Pintel join the crew? The suethor skipped their introduction so...what? Did they just teleport on board?

Next to Cotton there was a cage covered with a length of canvas.

ZeldaQueen: No, I have no idea why Gethesemane felt that that needed to be foreshadowed

As we rowed past thick tangles of twisted roots and bark, I shifted to be close to Jack.

ZeldaQueen: As per freaking usual

“Where are we going?” I asked him.

“To see an old friend,” he answered, nervously working at a hangnail.

ZeldaQueen: I now have an image of Jack giving himself a manicure, whilst muttering "Davy Jones is the most interesting creature!"

I looked at him. “You must be desperate if you’re going to see who I think you’re going to see.”

ZeldaQueen: *whacks head on desk* She knows about Tia Dalma already. Big surprise

The boats rowed further into the still waters of a steamy bayou. Fireflies flickered and danced about in the mists, and the air seemed heavy.

The longboats pulled up to a rope ladder that hung down from a sprawling wooden shack high in the branches of a large tree. A lantern hung at the door, casting a dim glow around us.


It was clear that none of the others knew where we were, though I had a good idea. God knew I didn’t want to admit it.

ZeldaQueen: Because it just pains the Sue to admit that there are other females involved in Jack's life

“Now worries, mates,” Jack said lightheartedly as he grabbed the ladder. “I’ll handle this. Tia Dalma and I go way back. Thick as thieves. Nigh inseparable, we were, uh, have been…before.”

I crossed my arms.

Well, that confirms it.

ZeldaQueen: Um, Gethesemane? We saw the movie. You aren't surprising anyone

“I’ll watch your back,” Gibbs volunteered.

“It’s me front I’m worried about,” I heard Jack mutter under his breath.

ZeldaQueen: *holds a funeral for the humor*

Jack turned to me. “Ladies first, love.”

ZeldaQueen: Yes, because sues always come first

I glared at him and whispered, “Jack you had better not try anything. If Jones doesn’t kill you, I will.”

He smirked. “Ah, yes. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

“Keep that in mind next time.”

ZeldaQueen: I love what a tight grip on his balls she has. "Okay Jack, I know that we're on the run from a monster and you undoubtedly have some professional reason to visit ANOTHER WOMAN, but if you so much as glance sideways at her, I'll have you singing soprano in the choir!"

I then climbed the ladder, with Jack behind me. The rest of the crew had stuck close behind, and they all looked terrified.

ZeldaQueen: Oh yes, the Sue goes first because she's sooooo brave. Bah

Once I entered the shack, I took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. All manner of strange creatures floated in jars and bottles that lined the walls. Some were stuffed and hanging from the rafters above, while others moved about in jars of murky water. Overhead dangled an old dusty crocodile.

ZeldaQueen: And thus, the creepy setting is given all of the emotion of a laundry list

At a table in the shadows sat Tia Dalma, a mystic with an eye keener than any pirate’s. She’d been hovering over crab claws when her head snapped up. She stood, smiling.

ZeldaQueen: (Tia Dalma) "Another Sue! I believe I'll gut this one, or perhaps fillet her"

“Jack Sparrow,” she said. “I always knew the wind was going to blow you back to me one day.”

ZeldaQueen: Tell me about it, lady! Suethors just can't help rewriting the movie to suit their own needs

Her eyes moved from Jack to me.

ZeldaQueen: Oh, great

“And Miss Kate Morgan - the relationship is mended, I assume.”

ZeldaQueen: Why does Tia Dalma know her again?

“My name isn’t Kate Morgan,” I hissed icily. “It’s Kate Sparrow.”

“Ah, you’ve married finally.”

ZeldaQueen: And that still pisses me off. Why, in the name of God, has she just started declaring out of nowhere that she's Mrs. Jack Sparrow? I'm seriously getting vibes of Rose "Never Tell Ron I'm A Druidess" Potter, except instead of character bashing, it's horrible wish fulfillment

Her eyes then moved to Will. She smiled as she looked at him and said, “You have a touch of destiny in you, William Turner.”
She moved closer to him and, upon this, Will’s confusion became evident.

ZeldaQueen: Because Will's an idiot

“You know me?”

“You want to know me,” she replied in riddle, staring into his eyes.

“There will be no knowing here,” Jack interjected, walking over to Tia Dalma and ushering her back towards the table. “We came here for help.”

ZeldaQueen: I notice that the Suethor skipped the line "I thought I knew you". I guess she just couldn't stand to imply that Jack ever had any relationship of any sort with a woman besides the Sue

I came to sit next to Jack and laced my fingers with his, being sure that our hands were in plain sight.

ZeldaQueen: I hate you. Really. Why do you feel the need to show off? Tia Dalma isn't hitting on Jack. He's shown no signs of hitting on her. You're acting like he's your freaking showdog

As the pirates gathered around the table, Tia Dalma pulled Will in close.

“Asking for help does not sound like Jack Sparrow,” she looked at me. “And neither does marrying.”

ZeldaQueen: No, no it isn't. The Suethor forced him into it

“It’s not so much for me,” Jack answered coolly. “As for William here, and Kate. Will wants to earn a favor from me, and Kate…she’s willing to sacrifice herself.”

ZeldaQueen: OH MY FREAKING GOD! *has a fit*

I'm sorry, but I hate this. The Sue just butts in on everything, and is using her stupid sacrifice card to (A) tout how she's changed Jack for the better, dammit, and (B) show how well she has him under her control. Oh look, Jack's not being the selfish bastard he is in canon! He's doing this for Kate, you see!

Tia Dalma nodded. “Of course, I expected as much from Kate. She’s always loved you, even when she tried to deny it.

ZeldaQueen: DIE! NOW!

And as for William, that is the Jack Sparrow I know. What service may I do you? You know that I demand payment.”

ZeldaQueen: And now Tia Dalma is all business and sounds disturbingly like a hooker

“I brought payment!” Jack said brightly, taking the cage from Pintel’s hand.

He raised the canvas revealing “Jack” the monkey trapped inside.

ZeldaQueen: Huh. Well that was pretty anti-climactic

He looked at me and smiled. “Will you do the honor?”

“Of course.”

I took the pistol from his hand and shot it. The stupid little hairball barely blinked; he just glared back.

ZeldaQueen: I don't blame him. She seriously seems to get off on shooting helpless animals

“See?” Jack exclaimed. He glanced up at the ceiling. “Perhaps you can give it the crocodile treatment?”

ZeldaQueen: Not nearly as funny as "Look, an undead monkey! Top that!"

Tia Dalma stood and opened the cage; Gibbs moaned as the monkey raced through the shack.

“You don’t know how long it took us to catch that,” he said sadly.

“The payment is fair,” she said, ignoring Gibbs.

ZeldaQueen: Everyone ignores Gibbs in this fic, the poor man

Her eyes wandered again to Will.

ZeldaQueen: Hopefully she's signaling him to, on her signal, draw his sword and kill the Sue

Jack produced the drawing of the key from his pocket and passed it to Will, who quickly showed it to Tia Dalma.

“We’re looking for this…and what it goes to,” Will said.

ZeldaQueen: (Kate) "It's the key to my chastity belt!" *gags*

“That Compass you bartered from me can’t lead you to this?” Tia Dalma asked, looking at Jack.

“No.” he answered flatly.

ZeldaQueen: And...that makes no sense. In the movie, he was a selfish bastard who was conflicted as to whether he wanted to bone Elizabeth or find the chest, and thus it wouldn't work. That was why Tia Dalma laughed about how Jack "doesn't know what he wants, and yet he still wants it" (a clever bit that the suethor left out). In this, he's head-over-heels for Kate, so finding the chest to save her ought to be his number one priority. And don't try to tell me "It can't work like that", because it clearly can. That's how Elizabeth gets it to work. So clearly, Elizabeth cares more about saving Will than Jack cares about saving the Sue. Fail, Gethesemane

Tia Dalma laughed and turned her attention back to Will as she spoke to Jack. “Your key goes to a chest…and it what lies inside the chest you seek, isn’t it?”

ZeldaQueen: (Tia Dalma) "I'll just start spouting random canon lines, shall I? The Suethor does so enjoy doing that"

“What is inside?” Gibbs asked.

“Gold? Jewels? Unclaimed properties of a valuable nature?” Pintel asked hopefully.

“Nothing bad, I hope,” said Ragetti, still unnerved by the whole affair.

ZeldaQueen: Um, that's got to be one of the worst endings to a chapter that I've ever seen.

And that's the introduction to Tia Dalma. She got off pretty light, all things considered. I strongly suspect that this first bit was written before At World's End, although I'm not certain. I also suspect that we'll know roughly when Gethesemane has seen the last movie, because the hostilities towards Calypso will increase. I have to say though, am I the only one who noticed how Tia Dalma talks exactly like everyone else in this fic? Seriously Gethesemane, couldn't you have been arsed to try to write in her very noticeable accent?

Onward to: Chapter 11: The Origins Of Davy Jones

Back to:  Chapter 9: Another Bargain Made

Return to:  Table of Contents

tia dalma, suethor: gethesemane butler, fic: heart of the sea, chapter 10

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