ZeldaQueen: Well, no sense in putting this off. The Flying Dutchman will make port in this horrific story
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
Chapter 13: The Dutchman's Storm
Jack’s Point of View
ZeldaQueen: Oh goody, I was so looking forward to hearing Jack get off on the Sue so Gethesemane could get off on that *gags*
To the best of my knowledge, no one knew what had happened between Kate and me. As far as the rest of the crew was concerned, we had been married all along, thanks to Kate’s little white lie.
ZeldaQueen: And the crew wasn't the least bit curious about this?
Okay, let's give the Suethor the benefit of the doubt and agree that yes, most of the crew was found in Tortuga and thus wouldn't be able to say for certain that Jack didn't have a wife hidden away somewhere (I guess Gibbs doesn't count here). Even so, wouldn't that strike them as a tad...suspicious? Jack acts like a total manwhore, never mentions a wife, never shows any signs of thinking about one, and generally lives like a person who doesn't have a loved one to return to. So then this chick shows up going "Oh yeah, I'm totally Mrs. Jack Sparrow" and he agrees and they don't question that at all?
Why am I still expecting logic here? Carry on
Even as I stood at the helm, my hands on the smooth wood, I couldn’t take my eyes off of the woman standing next to me, though her eyes were focused on the horizon straight ahead.
ZeldaQueen: That's because all attention must be on the Sue at all times
I thought her to be a bit insane,
ZeldaQueen: I agree. It's probably because her Suethor is totally batshit
for I never knew someone so daft to go to Jones and demand that he take their life in place of another’s soul.
ZeldaQueen: Why don't you Sue up what Kate's going to do a little more, Gethesemane? We all know Jones will take her and probably treat her like a lady, like how Barbossa treated Elizabeth, only without the evil, evil lust
I was a pirate - I had many a debt, but this was one that I couldn’t repay.
ZeldaQueen: Because he's a jerk who looks out for himself first and foremost? *is hopeful for any signs of canon*
How could I repay Katherine for giving up her soul to free mine?
ZeldaQueen: Or not *is disappointed, again*
She had a pirate’s blood in her, that much I knew. She was the daughter of the infamous Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard, but he had demanded that she take her mother’s maiden name to be safe from his enemies.
ZeldaQueen: *raises eyebrows*
Uh huh. Well that hasn't been done to death. I don't suppose we're going to find out why, exactly, Blackbeard kept his wife around long enough to raise his daughter to a life of piracy. Somehow, I doubt that he'd keep around a woman and a baby on board while he raped, pillaged, and plundered.
And this just makes me dread the next Pirates movie even more. Blackbeard's daughter is Jack's love interest in that as well
Her mother had been murdered a year after her birth, so Blackbeard took her and raised her on his own.
ZeldaQueen: Because a bloodthirsty pirate sounds just like the perfect person to raise a little girl
It wasn’t long afterward that he was killed in a battle with a merchant ship, and she signed on to be a member of the Black Pearl crew with her uncle, Barbossa. Judging from what she had told me before, Barbossa was her mother’s brother.
ZeldaQueen: *head desk*
This just raises even more questions. If she was such a great pirate, raised by Blackbeard himself, why didn't she try to keep her father's ship and crew after he died? I could understand a power struggle, but she's supposed to be some great pirate. How did she survive, if she was mutinied? I don't think the crew would just say "Go off and join someone else's crew". Heck, even the first movie made it clear what pirates did for mutiny! And if the Suethor's suggesting that Kate roped herself some sea turtles, she can bloody well explain that.
Was her mother supposed to be a pirate? Is that why she is the sister and wife of on? Why wasn't she cursed by the Aztec gold? Surely her precious uncle wouldn't have kicked her off of the ship during the mutiny. Heck, how did she react to the mutiny? Bootstrap resisted and was dumped overboard. Did she leave before?
ZeldaQueen: "We're out of character!"
I snapped from my thoughts and looked at my wife. “What?”
ZeldaQueen: Something tells me that we're going to be having that "my wife" nonsense milked for all it's worth
“We’re sailing right into a storm,” she told me. She then turned to the crew and began shouting orders,
ZeldaQueen: And Jack punched her in the mouth for usurping command on his ship. Seriously, we see how pleased he is when Barbossa tries that. You do not take Jack's control of the ship
though I put my hand on her shoulder upon seeing a jagged edge in the horizon.
“Kate, that’s not a storm,” I said softly to her,
ZeldaQueen: "That's no moon!"
“it’s the Dutchman.”
ZeldaQueen: Cue the fangirly, wussy Jones
She looked at me then, worry and pure determination etched her eyes. “Extinguish the lamps.”
ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "I shall steal your lines at all costs!"
Also, note the change of intent. I guess Gethesemane didn't like how this exchange in canon showed Jack as a bastard, so she had her Sue say the line to look noble and selfless
I looked at her questioningly, and followed her down below deck and into our cabin. She searched through a nearby dresser before finally withdrawing a black hooded cloak, and wrapped it around her shoulders. The cloak, I figured, was a sort of camouflage - she would be indistinguishable from the surrounding darkness.
ZeldaQueen: Wasn't that what Victoria wore when she went to "rescue" Joanna?
“Don’t even think about it, Katherine Marina Sparrow,” I said sternly.
ZeldaQueen: Marina? Oh, that's original
“Let the whelp go over and deal with Jones.”
ZeldaQueen: I love how it's just to damn dangerous for the Sue to go over, but Jack's perfectly willing to punt Will there to save his ass. Real nice.
She whirled round to face me. “I swore an oath to myself, Jack. I swore that I would do everything in my power to save your soul - even if it means selling my own.”
ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "How else am I to angst and get Jones to lust over me?"
“Don’t do this,” I pleaded, grabbing her arms. “I’m begging you.”
“You can beg all you want, Jack, but you’re not going to change my mind.”
ZeldaQueen: This is so boring and stupid
“What you’re doing is suicide! You know as well as I do that Jones wants no women aboard his ship - he’ll kill you the moment you step on that deck!”
ZeldaQueen: Well then, what are you waiting for? Get right over there!
“Then let him kill me!” she shouted above the growing roar of the storm above.
ZeldaQueen: For once, I agree
“At least I can die knowing that you’ll be safe from him.”
She turned and made to leave, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me once again. I pressed my lips to hers, the sweet and intoxicating taste of her sending my senses spiraling out of control.
ZeldaQueen: Wonderful. The Sue is just so Beautiful and Delightsome that Jack freaking Sparrow goes nutty from it. And is the Suethor incapable of writing kisses in any other way?
I never knew how long we stood there, but when she pulled away, I could see tears forming in her eyes.
“I love you, Jack,” she whispered.
ZeldaQueen: I hate you
I could feel tears in my own eyes, the stinging ever present as I answered, “I love you, Katherine.”
ZeldaQueen: As soon as the Sue was out of sight, Jack wiped his eyes. "Do you think she bought it, Mr Gibbs?" he asked.
"Like a charm," Gibbs replied. "Shall we set sail to escape while she's over there?"
Jack smiled. "But of course!"
We made our way up to the main deck, which had erupted into chaos courtesy to the swirling tempest.
ZeldaQueen: You mean that a pirate's ship is normally peaceful and orderly?
Kate walked over to Will, and they shared a short discussion before I decided to approach.
ZeldaQueen: (Will) "Look, I know that you're a Mary Sue and you hate my guts and plan on stealing my and Elizabeth's thunder. Fuck off" *stabs her*
“What’s the plan?” I asked Will.
ZeldaQueen: Um, isn't the Sue the one calling all the shots here? Since when did you ask Will to do anything?
“Go over; make the trade…kill anyone who gets in the way.”
ZeldaQueen: Ah, screw it. The Sue probably just told him that already
I was satisfied with the answer. “I like it - short and easy to remember.”
ZeldaQueen: (Jack) "Gethesemane has mentally castrated me, you see, or else I'd dump her self insert in a second"
As the whelp
ZeldaQueen: You know, it seems to me that Jack's been calling Will "whelp" a lot in this chapter, but hadn't in the last ones. I wonder why he picked it up now
began to climb down the haul of the ship and into the awaiting long boat, I turned to Kate, hoping to convince her to stay.
ZeldaQueen: For God's sake, why? C'mon man, I'm on your side! Don't do this to me!
“Are you sure that this is what you want to do?” I asked her. “If you swear an oath to the Flying Dutchman, there’s no leaving it.”
ZeldaQueen: I know, hence why I'm rejoicing
She nodded. “I know. I need to do this.”
ZeldaQueen: Um, no you don't. You keep insisting you need to do this, to keep the spotlight on yourself and horn in on Will's adventure on The Dutchman
I sighed and looked away, and watched as Will rowed across the swirling waters to the jagged shipwreck on the reef nearby. I looked over, and found that Kate was still standing next to me.
ZeldaQueen: Wait, what? Why? Jack knew that the key wasn't there. He knew that Jones would be arriving and hoped that Will would save himself by playing the "Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt" card. Why isn't the Sue going over as well, if she's so determined to send herself to Jones?
I was hoping that she was having second thoughts.
“Second thoughts, love?” I asked her.
ZeldaQueen: That's...that's just bad writing there. "I wondered if she was having second thoughts. 'Are you having second thoughts,' I asked". Seriously
She shook her head. “Nope. Just waiting for the opportune moment.”
ZeldaQueen: When? Jack was hoping that Jones wouldn't find The Pearl! He was hoping that Jones would be happy to take Will instead, and leave him alone!
Actually, that just makes the Sue out to be really horrible. "Oh sure sweetie, I'm going to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up my soul for you! But just to be sure, I'm just going to let this worthless idiot go first and maybe see if Jones will have him instead"
When I looked over at the shipwreck again, I found that Will had reached the reef. A few moments passed, and I turned to the rest of the crew.
“Extinguish the lamps,” I said softly to Gibbs.
ZeldaQueen: Didn't the Sue already tell them to do that? No wonder Jack needs their plans to be simple and easy to remember. Clearly he suffers from short-term memory loss
As the crew went about carrying out my order, I turned to Kate once again.
“Are you waiting for Jones’s invitation?”
“I’m waiting for the bloody ship.”
I was beginning to grow frightened for her life, and I was resisting every temptation to lock her in the brig, since it was evident that the only thing that would stop her from death was the iron bars.
ZeldaQueen: Ah, for the days when Jack was in character and would have gladly pitched her into the gaping maw of the Kraken to save himself
I glanced up again, and found that the water behind the wreck had begun to churn more menacingly. It was then that a ship with glowing sails and death’s figurehead burst forth from the depths.
“He’s here.” I said softly.
ZeldaQueen: (Jack) "He's baaaaaaack!"
I turned to Kate again, but found that she had climbed upon the banister. She then dived gracefully
ZeldaQueen: You just had to put in that adjective, didn't you?
into the swirling waves below.
ZeldaQueen: Davy Jones quickly hit the switch and flushed the Sue to his locker.
And what a terribly abrupt way to end this chapter
Onward to:
Chapter 14: Katherine's Attempt Back to:
Chapter 12: No Longer A Little White Lie Return to:
Table of Contents