So, as it turns out, there is a fandom in existence for which I can write snippets that will fit in the space of one LJ comment!
It all started when my easily distracted nature picked up on the fact that
dawnangel14 had quite a string of posts for some place called
comment_fic. I was curious, so I took a quick browse through.
The premise of the com is simple. There is a daily theme, and people post requests for various fandoms, characters, and prompts that go with the theme. Then, anybody who wants to fills the prompt, but it has to fit in one comment. (Or you can link to elsewhere, but that's beside the point.)
I started out thinking, "Pft. Yeah, I so can't do this..." However, as I began browsing prompts, I found that sometimes, when I read a Supernatural one, a quick scene would just pop right into my head. It's a recent fandom for me, and I've honestly never had an urge to write anything of length for it, but a quick random scene that doesn't have to go anywhere or connect to anything? Surprisingly fun and easy! XD
I've only done two so far, but it's such an addicting means of distracting myself from stuff I should be doing that I'm sure more will follow. (If anyone is really curious they are
here and
In other news, my sister and I are moving back out of the apartment. I'm so very sick of moving stuff and cleaning things and we're not done yet. I'm about ready to say, "F*** the deposit!" and run away laughing maniacally.