The Year In Review: 2009! or, what zeph wrote that year.

Jan 01, 2010 15:27

Happy New Year! After posting this to zephyrian (which houses the previous two years' ones, too), I figured, hey, the questions are interesting and whatnot, so!

Fandoms I have discovered the love of this year:
Supernatural! Still my fandom.
CW RPS! Mired here too.
Torchwood! Very, very briefly.
Persona 4! Again, just a little.
Sherlock Holmes! In the last few days, only.

Fanfictions written during the year: 24
Between Here and Gone. Sam/Dean, Dean/Castiel, episode coda (The Rapture), ~1,150 words, PG-13
A Twist of Fate, A Desert Sun. Sam/Dean, ~6,200 words, PG-13
Gunfire at Freeway Exits. Sam/Dean, episode coda (Abandon All Hope), ~1,100 words, PG-13
Maybe We're Not Only Human. Sam/Dean, pre-series, ~7,200, PG-13
Like the Devil Himself. Implied Sam/Dean, episode coda (I Know What You Did Last Summer), ~600 words, PG-13 [soon to be posted]
Shotgun Religion. Sam/Dean, incomplete, ~1,300 words, PG-13
Hell at One Dark Window. Sam/Dean, incomplete, ~250 words, PG-13
I Am a Constant Satellite of Your Burning Sun. Sam/Dean, episode coda (Monster at the End of This Book), ~2,700 words, NC-17
When Your Heart Was Open Wide. Sam/Dean, episode coda (The End), ~1,300 words, PG-13
Watch Your Reflection, Superimposed. Sam/Dean, chaptered, incomplete, ~500 words, R
How Certain the Journey. Sam/Dean, chaptered, incomplete, ~300 words, R
In the History of Hill Valley. John/Dean, chaptered, incomplete, ~500 words, R
We're Making Our Deathbeds Here. Dean/Castiel, apocafic, incomplete, ~600 words, R
A Promise A Boy Says Forever. Sam/Dean, apocafic, incomplete, ~500 words, R
I Don't Want to be Your Book of Endings. Sam/Dean, apocafic, incomplete, ~450 words, R
The Sacred Line. Sam/Dean, apocafic, incomplete, ~200 words, R

The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn. Jensen/Jared, alternate reality, chaptered, ~54,000 words, R
Take the Sky For Example (A Canvas of a Billion Suns). Jensen/Jared, alternate reality, chaptered, ~45,700 words, R
We're Here Where the Daylight Begins. Jensen/Jared, alternate reality, ~11,000 words, R
We're Closed to the Earth Till Further Notice. Jensen/Jared, alternate reality, chaptered, incomplete, ~2,700 words, R
Where Nobody Knows You And Nobody Gives a Damn. Jensen/Jared, alternate reality, chaptered, incomplete, ~800 words, R

Growing Up Unstable. Jack/Ianto, episode coda (Children of Earth, Day Four), incomplete, on hold, ~500 words, PG-13

Persona 4
The Dark Comes Early. Dojima/Adachi, ~8,000 words, PG-13

Sherlock Holmes (2009)
your heart is in your chest again (not hanging from your sleeve). Holmes/Watson, post-film, incomplete, ~700 words, PG-13

Total word count: 148,110

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Oh god, I wrote so much this year! I wrote way more than I did last year; even if the number of fics dropped from 2008's 30 to this year's 24, the word count went up about 40k. This has got nothing on 2007, though, which clocked in at roughly 253k. Christ on a cracker. But! Point being-I wrote more than I thought I would this year, because last year was such a slump that I didn't expect to churn out two big fics roughly 50k each. I haven't written a story of that length since 2006!

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in 2009?
Oh gee. I wrote for Torchwood again, if only very briefly, so that was surprising! I wrote for Sherlock Holmes? No, that's not surprising at all. I'm me. It was an awesome film. It had Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law openly flirting. No, not surprising in the slightest; never mind.

What's your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Hmm, tough one. Probably The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn, in the end, because it was the biggest thing since All God's Village, my 62k novelisation of Fatal Frame II that I wrote back in the first half of 2006. Anyway, um! Yeah. The Greatest Thing because it was the first achievement of that kind in three years, and also I am still mad proud of it because it's J-squared Moulin Rouge! and, well, it was a blast.

Now, what's your most popular story?
Um! We're Here Where the Daylight Begins, I think! Or Gunfire at Freeway Exits.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Ooh, uh, maybe none? I mean. Aside from all the gay incest I wrote? Probably not, hah.

From my past year of writing, what was...

Best/Favourite Story
Supernatural: A Twist of Fate, A Desert Sun;
CW RPS: The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn;
Torchwood/Persona 4/Sherlock Holmes: N/A (I've only written one!);

Most Underappreciated by the Universe
Out of the very few that are actually posted? Well, um. They've all been received well and I've been thrilled to pieces by all the lovely comments! Um, if I had to choose, though. I feel like both A Twist of Fate, A Desert Sun and The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn sort of fell by the wayside, a little? which is ironic, considering they're my favourites. But oh well! I still got a lovely response to them both.

Most Fun
Probably Take the Sky, because it's about two regular guys adjusting to a somewhat unusual situation-in that, due to certain circumstances, they move in together when they're only strangers. It was fun to write and I like it bunches! That'll be appearing here very soon! As soon as I finish editing it. Edit: Take the Sky, for your reading pleasure!

Most Disappointing
Oh, um. Probably your heart is in your chest again, because I don't feel I got their voices exactly right? In time, though! I'll see it again and again and come to know it all by heart and then that will no longer be a problem! Also, it may not be as subpar as I fear it is. You know how it goes.

Story That Could Have Been Better
Um, um. Christ, I suck at finishing things. Uh... probably all the apocafics that I started! Because a few hundred words in I started running into brick wall after brick wall and if that's not a letdown, I don't know what it is.

Story With The Sweetest Moment
Um! Things with happy endings! We're Here Where the Daylight Begins, maybe!

Story That Made You Cry
The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn. Duhhhh.

Hardest to Write
Gunfire at Freeway Exits was hard, but also came easily? Um. That may not make sense. Because, like, I knew I had to write it just right for it to be as effective as I wanted it to be, and while I didn't get stuck or frustrated with it, particularly, I also had to tread carefully. Yeah.

Easiest to Write
A Twist of Fate, A Desert Sun! It just floooowed out. Wrote it in about four hours, all in one go.

Most Unintentionally Telling
I never know what to put for this one! Um, Take the Sky might clue you into the fact that I'm a total romantic at heart? I don't know!

Most Overdue
Uhh. All the 24hour_themes fics that I haven't written! I write challenges verrry slowly. Only five are done (only three posted!), and I took this up in January 2009.

This Year's Theme And The Story That Demonstrates It Most
I don't- aaugh- um! I don't know. "Sad sad sad"? In which case, every Sam/Dean I've ever written. And The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?

1. Hurry up and edit Take the Sky so it's ready to post already! Done!
2. Write that damn apocafic for apocabigbang!
3. Brainstorm (read: pick an idea) for spn_j2_bigbang!
4. Brainstorm (read: pick an idea) for rpf_big_bang! Done!
5. POST!

other: masterlist, other: info

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