93% Dennis Kucinich 92% Mike Gravel 78% John Edwards 77% Chris Dodd 75% Barack Obama 74% Hillary Clinton 72% Joe Biden 68% Bill Richardson 31% Rudy Giuliani 28% Ron Paul 21% John McCain 14% Mike Huckabee 14% Mitt Romney 13% Tom Tancredo 4% Fred Thompson
haha I get along better with Mike Gravel than you and he's only my backup, PWNED
also, seriously, I see from your numbers that you seem to have slightly less in common with most of the Democrats and slightly more in common with most of the Republicans than me. now I'm intrigued.
Comments 8
92% Mike Gravel
78% John Edwards
77% Chris Dodd
75% Barack Obama
74% Hillary Clinton
72% Joe Biden
68% Bill Richardson
31% Rudy Giuliani
28% Ron Paul
21% John McCain
14% Mike Huckabee
14% Mitt Romney
13% Tom Tancredo
4% Fred Thompson
haha I get along better with Mike Gravel than you and he's only my backup, PWNED
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