Pooh, you're so funny, I dont even know where to start. Loving the Sheppard!Pants moment's in this one and the last. *sigh* That AND the Naked Chests Collection. Am friending you because you (and little red) are just so damn funny, and I didn't want to lurk anymore.
Mmm... pants. I actually missed a couple of pants moments in this ep. *facepalm* Luckily, I've trained Little Red well, and she caught a bunch for me. Heh. *goes to apologize to the Pants*
OMG, this is the only directly pants-related icon I have, and it might be sending TOTALLY the wrong message. (Strangely, it had something to do with the 2004 ALCS, but I grabbed it because of shipwithpants.)
Although... *no* Shep!pants might actually be better than Shep!pants, given the choice... *grins*
Ack! It is also seizure-inducing, which I had completely forgotten. *flails* Once you see it, I might have to take it away to keep from blinding myself.
Comments 36
Mmm... pants. I actually missed a couple of pants moments in this ep. *facepalm* Luckily, I've trained Little Red well, and she caught a bunch for me. Heh. *goes to apologize to the Pants*
OMG, this is the only directly pants-related icon I have, and it might be sending TOTALLY the wrong message. (Strangely, it had something to do with the 2004 ALCS, but I grabbed it because of shipwithpants.)
Although... *no* Shep!pants might actually be better than Shep!pants, given the choice... *grins*
This episode? All about the sex. *sigh*
And fangirls got Ronon and the finger licking...
Too much giggling! Marry me! *luffs*
*giggles with you*
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