I got a new journal, I think! So I'm deleting most things off there, so if anyones wondering why they can't get into my journal, from my friends list, its because I deleted all the "friends" I had! Thank you for viewing my journal! Now I'm gone.
I've come to the realization that some people have "Tool" issues! And problems! Just thought I would make it known! You know who you are! No need for me to point out names! Which I won't even if you ask. Anyways, I'm off to make money! I'll need me because over March Break I'm going to my sisters! We have alot planned!!!! =D I'm so excited! Byeeee
Well I decided that since some people have to lie about me saying stuff about them on my journal, that I'm going to make this a "Friend's Only" journal. So log in and read my posts and if you don't have a journal, just ask and I will find a for you to read my posts =) Thank You and Have a nice day!