Title: Just Another Day (follows Cloudburst) Characters: Mal, Kaylee, Zoe, Wash, 'Nara, Book, The Tams, Serenity and of course...Jayne Series: As of Now, Untitled Beta: Rinny.
My Friend is Rini. And not only is she amazing, but she is singlehandedly responsible for making this journal look muchly pretty. My very cunning hat off to ya, dear. (PS... Almost all icons and pretties seen here are her work.... so go and worship http://www.livejournal.com/users/rinalin/ )
I debated posting this one, though it recieved considerable feedback from Fireflyfans.net, however because Bug and Rin liked it, loved it... I decided to archive it here.
703 words, pg for metaphors, spoilers for Ariel. Not really a Rayne shippy, but more like Crazy Little Person with some Jayne Cameo.