The fabulous
seriouspenguin is having some issues, calling all knitting experts to
help her out please! I've asked her to unlock the post in case you're not on her f'list, and if you're not now's a great time to make the acquaintance of one of the best people you'll ever meet in your life.
To seriouspenguin:
As regards the seams, you might take a look at a book called The Knitter's Book of Finishing Techniques by Nancie M. Wiseman. It's the best instructions for, well, pretty much everything knit-wise I've seen. It has separate instructions for seaming together garter and stockinette in a variety of angles, including garter to garter, both upright ( ... )
chesire_c: Thanks so much for the book rec and the seaming advice! And I *heart* Super Bear!
Your embroidery idea makes good sense to me, as well; I'll have to try that on Bear #2.
Again, sorry to ask for advice and then make it so difficult to give it... *smacks head on desk*.
And thank you -- I had a lot of fun making SB and from the response I've got, I should make a million an' sell them!
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