Zombie Fest Round 1 Prompt Submission Post - CLOSED

Apr 08, 2012 00:01

And so it begins.

Please comment here with your zombi_fic_ation prompts. Prompt submission will be open until Saturday April 21st, after which we'll compile a Master List and open prompt claiming on Monday the 23rd.

Rules: destroy the brain or remove the head
  • Prompt submission is open to everyone, whether you intend to write for the fest or not.
  • We accept prompts from any fandom, including RPF, or original fiction and characters!
  • You can submit prompts anonymously.
  • You can submit a prompt and then claim it back yourself later.
  • Your prompts can be any genre - horror, fluff, romance, angst, humor, dark, crack, etc. - as long as it includes some level of zombie action. (If you're not sure that your idea "counts", you can ask here.)
  • You can submit as many prompts as you like, but we ask that you keep them organized for compiling later.
Formatting your prompts. We have revised the prompt submission format (for those who checked the FAQ page last week). To make things easier for everyone please use the following format:

Fandom - characters/pairing - prompt

DON'T fill out the subject line. And if you're submitting multiple prompts, you CAN put them all into one comment, but please number them and organize them by fandom. (If you post a prompt, but then decide to come back and submit more, please post a NEW comment.)

Examples: (My examples are terrible, I'm sorry! I'm bad at prompting!)

1. BBC Sherlock - John Watson/D.I. Lestrade - Trapped on the roof, surrounded by the walking undead. They have to figure out a way to get out, stay alive, and find Sherlock.

2. Supernatural - Dean/Castiel - angels can't be infected but they can be carriers

3. Supernatural - Sam, Dean, Bobby - Dean's always said that Bobby's junkyard was a deathtrap waiting to happen… Good thing Sam is a genius and zombies are dumb.

4. CROSSOVER Torchwood/Shaun of the Dead - Jack/Suzie, Liz/Shaun/Ed - In the aftermath Torchwood is cleaning up the mess and they've come for Ed.

5. Original/Any Fandom - A mother raising a zombie child.

NOTE: This is a ZOMBIE fest, so gore is likely on the table (pun intended). Prompts may contain references to scenarios which might be potential squicks/triggers for some. Please consider this a general warning that you enter at your own risk. Mods reserve the right to exclude any prompt from the final list, for any reason, and our decision on such matters is final.

Spoiler Policy! Since this is a multi-fandom fest, we think it's pretty impossible to avoid spoilers for absolutely everything ever. So, anything that has already aired or is currently available is fair game, but no details about canon that hasn't aired or been officially released. If you wish to err on the side of caution, use this *spoiler* text: Spoilers for episode/film/book, highlight to read: put spoilery text here

Spoiler text code: Spoilers for episode/film/book, highlight to read: put spoilery text here

Questions? If you have any questions about prompting or the fest in general, please ask them at the FAQ page to keep this post clear for prompts. Or contact the mods via PM (undeadhead_mod) or email (zombificationmods@gmail).

Start your chainsaws! On your mark! Get set! GO!


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