Zombie Fest Round 1 Prompt Claiming Post - CLOSED

Apr 23, 2012 00:28

First, I just have to say WOW! Over 500 prompts! That's way more than I was expecting on this our maiden voyage (or whatever) but let me tell you, you have made this zombie-lovin' girl's heart very happy! Thank you to everyone who participated, whether it be prompting, pimping, or just squeeing along with us ♥

Now, down to business.

Here are your prompts:

Fandoms: A - D
Fandoms: E - H
Fandoms: I - R
Fandoms: S - Z

You'll notice the prompts are numbered - that's mostly just for our benefit so we can keep track of who's on what. So, if you see that the numbering might be off, I beg you to let it slide. Please note that CROSSOVER prompts are listed under BOTH fandoms, so there are a few repeats (eta: it doesn't matter which one you claim). If you notice non-crossover repeats, or you notice that one of your prompts is missing from the list, please let us know and we'll try to get it fixed as quickly as possible.

To claim:

FIRST, read these rules:

  • This post will be open from today April 23rd through Saturday May 5th.
  • You can claim a maximum of TWO prompts. (Don't worry, if you've got your eye on more you can always come back after the official fest period is over for the open amnesty.)
  • All prompts can be claimed an unlimited number of times.
  • You can claim back your own prompts.
  • As the name implies, Any/Original prompts can be applied to any fandom or original fiction.
  • If the prompt refers to a fandom which has several incarnations (books, films, remakes, etc.), and the prompter didn't specify which they meant, the filler gets to choose.
  • Finished stories can be any genre - horror, fluff, romance, angst, humor, dark, crack, etc. - as long as the zombie element is there. Unless the prompt is specific, feel free to be as interpretive as you like.
  • Finished fics must be at least 500 words long, but there's no maximum word limit as long as your fic is done and emailed to the mods (zombificationmods@gmail) by Saturday June 23rd. (Posting guidelines will be up closer to the deadline.)

All right, already, I wanna get me some zombies!

To stake your claim, comment to this post with the following information:

Prompt(s) to be claimed:

Please copy and paste the prompt exactly as you see it in the list, including the number.

Other stuff:

If you'd like to interest more writers in your chosen fandoms, please help yourself to one of the banners we've made and promote the fest on your journals and communities. You can also make your own fandom specific banners like our mod kel_reiley has done here.

If you have any questions, you can ask at the FAQ page, or contact the mods via PM (undeadhead_mod) or email (zombificationmods@gmail).

*phew* OK! CLAIM AWAY!


!prompt claiming

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