Title: Impossible Possibilities: Move On
Pairings: Yoosu
Length: 2/3
zorataRating: PG
Genre: Angst (beware the infamous unrequited-ness)
Summary: Yoochun couldn't let go of his love for Junsu, and Changmin, being a helping friend, finds it almost an impossible task to make him move on.
Prologue A/N: Sorry, everything's kinda messy. Beware of random musings.
Despite Changmin's warning, Yoochun found himself in the chapel surrounded by Christians, and with a spectacular view of the holy cross on the stage. Someone was definitely making fun of him... maybe God.
"I still can't believe you agreed to come!" Junsu suddenly attacked Yoochun from the sides, almost causing him to fall off his chair. Though the sound of Junsu's trademark 'Eu kyang kyang' was totally worth the stumble.
"Well, you did pester me about it for the longest time..."
"Ha! So I'm good at annoying you or what?" Junsu flashed me his triumphant grin. He is probably the only one who can annoy Yoochun and get away with it.
Their conversation was unfortunately cut short by a shout from Yunho across the room. "Su! They have gummy bears here!"
Junsu responded like a solider to a captain, and vanished from Yoochun's sight in a blink of an eye.
"They are always like that aren't they?" Yoochun twisted around to follow the voice and found Jaejoong smiling at him.
"Yea... They're like twins eh?"
"Inseparable, always claiming to be each others' 'other half'..."
"Always doing the same things..."
"And finishing off each other sentences..."
They both sighed at the same time, and then burst out laughing at how in sync they were.
"We should be twins too!"
"Haha... Soulmates!" Jaejoong claimed the seat that Junsu was previously sitting on. "Yoochun... You and Junsu are close right?"
Yoochun was slightly taken back at the sudden change of topic. "Yea... we've known each other for quite a while."
Jaejoong hesitated a little. "But you guys...see each other a lot right?"
There seem to be something off with the question and Yoochun wondered whether he just imagined what Jaejoong was implying.
"I'm pretty close with Yunho too." Jaejoong continued. "But after coming to church and seeing Yunho even more than before, it doesn't feel like we got any closer... Aish, this is going to sound weird and all, but for us to gain something, we have to lose some. And sometimes it's more than choosing between right and wrong. You know what I mean right?"
Yoochun nodded even though he had no idea what Jaejoong meant.
And he spent all night contemplating on that riddle.
"So, can you clearly explain to me why you are a regular church goer now?"
Yoochun frowned at Changmin, irked by the feeling of deja vu.
"...Because I can't figure it out..."
"...The existence of God...?"
"No! I can't figure out this thing someone said to me."
Changmin crossed his arms, waiting for Yoochun to piece together a coherent sentence.
"Changmin...what does it mean to lose something to gain something?"
"Well...the world is fair, one person cannot own everything. We cannot possibility hold onto everything, so we must lose some unimportant things to carry something precious."
Yoochun paused, deep in thought. "Then... when are some choices more than choosing between right and wrong?"
"Truth is still truth whether you choose it or not, so isn't it more applicable to choose base on the consequences of the choice rather than concerning over its justification?"
The room went quiet enough to hear the gears of Yoochun's brain churning.
And then epiphany hit him.
"I know ri-- Wait, you were trying to figure out TWO questions for three months?! I thought love only makes you blind, not stupid!"
All I once held dear built my life upon,
All this world reveres, and wars to own.
All I once thought gain I have counted loss,
Spent and worthless now, compared to this:
Knowing you...
How probable is it that I can have both Junsu and my love for him? To have both fire and water in one hand?
EDIT: Forgot to mention that this is related to
Rest In Peace (YunJae)