Title: Cloud Watcher Pairings: Yoochun-centric, Yoosu Length: one shot Author: zorata Rating: PG Genre: AU, Angst Summary: Yoochun returns to his long forgotten childhood place, and was surprised beyond what his brain can handle.
*sigh* i'm gonna go assume that's Junsu but he himself dont really rem, but it seems they will always meet even if they live in different world, Yoosu is that powerful..
haha i think most people will assume it's junsu, since it is a yoosu story. ^^" But it doesn't explain how 'junsu' was there when yoochun was young? There's many ways to interpret, and even I don't know the exact details. In my mind, I made the supernatural being a symbol of freedom and innocence, so it kinda made sense that he looks like junsu in the end.
thank you so much for reading! haha and I need that luck for my finals... =_=
Comments 22
still needed to be part of each other's life eventhough in different realm....
I really like this..I don't know...but it made me cry ;_;
P.S. gd luck in your finals
thank you so much for reading! haha and I need that luck for my finals... =_=
Dont worry too much..ohh and thanx for the add dear ^^
i should've added you a long time ago, but i forgot about it haha~
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thank you for reading! <3
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