Title: Snow
Length: One Shot
zorataRating: PG-15 for sensitive ideological material
Genre: Angst (and a whole lot of narration)
Summary: A picture speaks a thousand words, but a prayer grants a thousand wishes. And so Junsu will pray for Yoochun, everyday.
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Comments 28
I feel so bad for Junsu, because I can kind of understand what he's going through, praying and praying for forgiveness and praying for the well being of another, no matter how much it hurts....
Thank you for this fic, it seems a lot more real than any other fic, as love is never a straight answer, it's always an obstacle.
Oh, but my heart. T-T
aiee if I keep going on my train of thought, I'd spew out an essay >_
Ahaha, I'll stop too before I rant~ It was my pleasure to read!
this is what normally happens anyway..especially for those with strong religion background..
poor su though..*sigh*
I do feel sorry for su...but it would've been worse if chun loved him back, because then he'd have to follow through with the same decision but with a lot more hurt involved.
anyway, thanks for reading! <3
Poor Su, Yoochun doesn't even notice how much Su truely loves him.
This wasn't boring at all!!I loved it. 8D~♥
yay~ It's not boring XD I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for reading!
=[ don't cry... although I'm happy that my writing can touch people like this. But it's not totally completely sad...Junsu still has God's love that'll last forever and ever.
Thank you for reading! =D
And yes Junsu will always have God's love even if he cant have Yoochun's
Thank you for writing! XD
and this one wow am speechless, it was so beautiful
i always love to read fanfic that have a deeper meaning somethinbg more from just sex or onesided love, adding the religion was more realistic and a personal struggle
the poem was so great
really great job in this
oohh sorry for the long commnet XD
I don't like writing things for just pure entertainment (which are kinda what fanfics are). I want to make sure that everything I write makes an impact on the readers, either for them to learn something or reflect on their personal lives. I wrote this fic based on religion because I'm sick of Christianity bashings. I'm sick of the hypocrites who try to fight discrimination with discrimination. So I hope to broaden people's perspectives.
I'm glad you liked this deep fic and wasn't bored with my long-winded narration. ^^"
oh and the poem.... hahaha it's so cheesy now that I reread it. >_> at that time, I just wanted to brush up on my poem writing skills XD
Thank you for reading~ and the long comment. Don't worry, it's a joy to read =D
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