Title: Of Secrets
Length: 1/?
Genre: AU/Drama
Pairing: eventually
Summary: Becoming a pianist cost Jaejoong his childhood, and what will happen when he loses this skill he worked so long for? Little did he know will lose a lot more by keeping this secret all to himself.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3: Part 1 Chapter 3: Part 2 (This is my first dbsk fanfic, so......please treat me well?)
"Sungwoong-ah, breakfast is ready!"
The pattering of little feet could be heard coming from the bedroom to the dining table, along with a squeal of "Appa!" Jaejoong couldn't helped but smiled at Sungwoong's anticipation as he wiggled onto his chair.
"Eat it slowly okay?" Jaejoong said as he handed Sungwoong's plate to him, but he only nodded in answer because his already stuffed mouth could not respond. Jaejoong sat down gently opposite to Sungwoong, sipping at his daily coffee. This was just like the start of any other day.
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"Hyung...don't you have to go to school too?"
"Of course." Yunho answered, looking down at Moonbin who was holding onto his hand.
"Won't you be late for class if you walk to school with me?"
"Moonbin-ah, I'm not like you! I have long legs and I can walk really fast!" Yunho laughed, but smiled with content at the genuine frown from his little brother.
"But hyung, I am a big boy now! I can walk to school on my own!" Moonbin pouted and walked a little faster as if to prove his point. Yunho only sighed at his silly tactics.
"You are only five." Moonbin kept on pouting, and Yunho gave in. "How about when you get older, you walk to school with me instead?"
"But how much older? I can't let hyung be late for school forever!"
Yunho scratched his head due to the lack of a comeback. Well, if one can't find a retort, then one will go with a distraction. "Look! Isn't that Sungwoong over there?"
That did the trick. Within a blink of an eye, Moonbin was out of his grasp and rushing to his best friend. Yunho could only shake his head when Sungwoong staggered from the attack.
"Good morning Yunho." Jaejoong greeted.
"Good morning ajushi! I'm sorry for Moonbin's behaviour." Yunho gave a bashful smile while glancing at Moonbin to keep him in his field of vision.
"Don't worry about it! I think Moonbin's energy is a good influence on him."
Yunho wanted to continue the conversation since it was rare to see Jaejoong in the mornings. They usually see each other pick up the kids from daycare. However, Moonbin's loud reminder made him ran instead.
"HYUNG! You'll be late for school!"
And so the rare meeting ended with a clumsy goodbye.
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End of Prologue
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A/N: I no good with romance, so I doubt there'll be mushy cheesiness anywhere, but eventually there'll be romance. Also, this is a prologue because it just provides the background information to the up coming plot. If you are confused about anything, please ask. =)