Title: Voicing It Out
Pairings: YunJae (with little Yunho involvement)
Length: somewhat long....(does this consider as an oxymoron?)
zorataRating: PG
Genre: angst
Summary: Jaejoong has a beautiful voice, but he never uses it to voice out his problems.
Part of the 'Body Drabbles':
[1] Hand[2] Voice box
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Comments 26
poor jaejoongie~*sigh*
thanks for reading!
thanks for reading!
-wanted to be the first commenter again.- xDxD
Anyways, poor Jaejoong he really is dealing with a lot. D8
Messed-up!Jae is hard to write... >_<
Thanks for reading! <3
I am one of the laziest people alive. xD
Awwww, i think your doing really good with Jae's personality and everything.♥ ~ 8D
I love these one-shots, they're like a chaptered story I don't have to commit to. MORE MORE!!
I wonder if he has ever passed out before...due to stress and such...and did Junsu really change majors?
I think these one-shots only gives you an illusion that you don't have to be committed even though there's technically a running story line. Deception! XD
No, jae never passed out before. He was a calm normal kid, until university happened. It screws us all. And yes, Junsu really did change majors. He went into business because there was it's better than nothing (and since his parents encouraged him to), and he thought he'll just keep singing as a hobby. But two years into university he realized that business was not only boring, but he also hated it. So he dropped out of his previous university to attend where Jae's attending right now.
aieee that's another story all to itself XD I'll stop now before I make the comment too big.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading! =D
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