Title: Before Dawn Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol; baekyeol Rating: R Length: 700+ words Summary: There are so many other things to do than sleep at night A/N: written for avi in her askbox on tumblr in november. also inspired by this. unbeta'd. the orignal was rated g, but i promised her fluffy porn...
Title: Mine Pairing: Suho/Kai; sukai Rating: G Length: 200+ words Summary: Suho doesn't like sharing. A/N: Originally posted here along with the prompt. Slightly edited since. Unbeta'd.
Title: Of a Broken Heart, Stolen Lips and Healing Hands Pairing: Suho/Luhan; Suhan Rating: G Length: 700+ words Summary: Joonmyun knows he can't heal a broken heart with a kiss. A/N: Fill at exopromptmeme; (x)
! i've moved to ao3 and fics will be posted here from now on. old fics that are already posted will stay, but i will not post any new fics here. this masterlist however will be kept updated. last updated 16.09.2014
Title: No Other Man Pairing: Chanyeol/Kyungsoo; Chansoo Rating: PG-15 Length: 600+ words Summary: How Kyungsoo spends his life with Chanyeol. A/N: Fill here at exopromptmeme; (x) + fluff. Slightly edited. Unbeta'd.
Title: Bedroom Hymns Pairing: Chanyeol/Kyungsoo; Chansoo Rating: NC-17 Length: 1k words Summary: Kyungsoo giving Chanyeol a blowjob. A/N: Originally a fill here for kacts' 6th round for its_rayning♥
Title: Waiting for Redemption Pairing: Chanyeol/Kai; Chankai Rating: G Length: Drabble, 500+ words Summary: If only it was innocent. A/N: originally written for ana in her askbox on tumblr, though edited. unbeta'd.
Title: Invisible Characters: Chanyeol Rating: G Length: Drabble, 900+ words Summary: Chanyeol is just another face in the crowd. A/N: Lightly(?) inspired by this edit. Unbeta'd.