Titel: Just Gay
Team: Weiß (Titanic)
Challenge: Romantik/Intimität - Fettnäpfchen [für mich] (Weltherrschaft)
Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke (Genderswap-AU)
Charaktere: Aomine, Kise
Wörter: 1.090
Sprache: Englisch
Warnungen: alles tame in diesem Teil
Inhalt: Aomine is really bad at being nice, sometimes.
Anmerkungen: Und damit habe ich die Weltherrschaft endlich eingesackt! :D Wenn alles glatt läuft, schaffe ich vielleicht sogar noch die restlichen Teile dieser Story bis zum Ende der Challenge, weil nicht mehr viele Teile folgen sollten.
Ich habe mich vertan und diesen Teil im Präteritum geschrieben, bin aber grad zu müde und zu faul, das alles nochmal zu ändern (mal abgesehen davon, dass ich glaub ich auch gar keine Zeit mehr dafür habe, es hat etwas gedauert)
Die anderen Teile:
Teil 1 |
Teil 2 |
Teil 3 Aomine didn’t tell Harasawa how long she’d be gone with Kise, and so she allowed Kise to take her time and even shower. Which, Aomine had to admit, took quite some time. She didn’t remember Kise taking that long to shower back in school, and given the circumstances and the fact that Aomine was a damn good detective, if she said so herself, it wasn’t that hard to deduce that Kise probably needed a breather, some time to herself in total privacy, after the long day she already had behind her.
Aomine, in the meantime, took a look around Kise’s apartment. It was a third floor apartment in a three-floor building in a quiet, affluent neighborhood, where everyone on the streets looked like a besuited ass-kisser. The kind where those heartless sharks lived that prevented criminals from getting justice served to them. Also the kind where nobody asked you any personal questions and rather turned the other way than talk to you. Which was probably precisely why Kise chose that neighborhood.
As elegant and high-brow as it looked from the outside, from the inside, there was barely a hint of it present. The furniture and decorations might be expensive, but the couch wasn’t even a leather couch - it looked much softer and way more inviting despite being a dark grey color. There was a ps4 and a couple game covers, some opened, some closed, in front of the TV and lots of games in the shelf above it. There were clothes on all available surfaces - a jacket over the back of the couch, a shirt on the kitchen table of the open kitchen, socks on the chair in front of it, a scarf on the dark grey carpet in front of the couch, and more. Kise wasn’t exactly tidy, never had been.
There was an oil painting of the sky framed by twigs and leaves of a tree, and some yellow songbird flying away into the clouds. It was the only thing kind of out of place.
Aomine noticed the pictures on the wall next to the cabinet, mostly because she recognized herself on one of them. That was the moment Kise stepped out of the bathroom, a blue towel wrapped around her petite body and hair twisted into an equally blue towel. Even from the distance, Aomine could see the few droplets of water on Kise’s shoulders and only didn’t blush because she was shameless.
“How do you feel?” she managed to ask, still trying to be nicer than she usually was. Kise smiled at her - a genuine smile, though Aomine noticed her red eyes now. She must have cried some more in the shower.
“Less like a prisoner,” Kise replied and dropped down on her couch with a sigh. “Definitely less watched - and that’s saying something what with being a celebrity and all.”
Aomine snorted. “Hey, what’s with that painting?”
Kise turned to the wall with the oil painting and her smile quickly turned sad. “Narukawa-san painted that one. It was a gift… He said I reminded him of canaries…”
“Why, because you’re loud and obnoxious?” Aomine blurted without thinking, because that’s what she always did with Kise, and usually, Kise gave as good as she got, but of course this was the absolute worst moment to do that.
Kise even flinched and threw a glare Aomine’s way. “You’re impossible.”
“Tell me something I don’t know…” Aomine muttered. She could punch herself. That had definitely not been a nice thing to say.
Instead of lingering on it, Aomine moved on and turned towards the pictures again. She ignored the picture of Kise, herself and their other friends back from school and instead focused on the one showing Kise, Narukawa and another young woman, from the looks of it another model. Unlike Kise, she had dark locks and dark eyes, but a softer face and smaller nose. She was looking at Narukawa rather dreamily, though Narukawa was turned more towards Kise.
“Who’s this?”
Kise sighed again before she stood and came over to stand next to Aomine, who suddenly became very aware of the fact that Kise was only wearing a towel.
“Oh… that’s Mariko,” Kise replied and looked at Aomine with big eyes. “Do you really think she might have done that? Because I can’t imagine any of my colleagues murdering him. Everyone loved him because he was so sweet and good to us…”
Aomine took another, closer look at the picture, and his eyes were drawn towards the small rainbow flag on Narukawa’s hand. “Oh, he’s just gay…”
“Just gay?” Kise repeated so offendedly that Aomine took a step back and looked at her, confused. Kise looked really angry and wrapped one arm along the seam of the towel, as if to secure it even more. A protective gesture.
“Do you think that’s easy or somehow explains things? Do you think he deserved what he got because of that?” Kise was even shaking now, barely restrained anger, but also fear and hurt.
And Aomine understood why she felt so offended, all of a sudden.
“No. I just…” she scratched the back of her head nervously. “I was wondering if any of your colleagues might have had an affair with him, or maybe wanted to have one and were jealous of you… but turns out he’s just gay and, I guessed that he told you and felt closer to you because you probably told him too.”
That shut Kise up, quite literally. Her jaw snapped shut and she put her other hand up to hold on to the edge of her towel.
“Oh,” she finally said, very softly. “So you know.”
“I had guessed… A-and there’s no shame in it. I’m… kind of… like that, too.” Aomine was so bad at this. She had always been bad at feelings and emotions and all that crap. But since Kise had basically admitted to liking women, Aomine felt it only fair to reveal that about herself too.
“Oh,” Kise said again, this time blushing and looking down at the ground.
For a few brief, very awkward moments, none of them said a word, but then Aomine cleared her throat. “Right. Mariko? Do you have her address? We should probably pay her a visit.”
Kise snapped out of it at that. “Right. Right, I’ll just- I’ll get the address.”
And with that, they were back to business, and Aomine only had to wait for another twenty minutes till Kise was dressed and ready to go.