Title: Follow You Home - California Sun (26/26)
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: Between the football team, his family and a final exam, Cain's feeling the pressure. And he thought all his trouble was simply falling for his best friend...
Warning: post-series, directly after California Tin. Blame
n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;) *with thanks to ALL the fandom for the love*
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.
Prologue |
California Queen |
California TinCalifornia Sun:
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Part Five |
Part Six |
Part Seven |
Part Eight |
Part Nine |
Part Ten |
Part Eleven |
Part Twelve |
Part Thirteen |
Part Fourteen |
Part Fifteen |
Part Sixteen |
Part Seventeen |
Part Eighteen |
Part Nineteen |
Part Twenty |
Part Twenty-One |
Part Twenty-Two |
Part Twenty-Three |
Part Twenty-Four |
Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six
Five |
Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) |
Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) |
An Hour and 45 Minutes |
Hava Nagila |
Unexpected Cain and DG moved through the field in silence, the spires of Central City in view ahead of them. Both of them had thought of the previous landing spot without actually saying anything, so they had a good laugh and enjoyed the last time they would have alone together for a while.
DG's mind was running about twenty miles a minute, trying to think of all the things she needed to do and hoping she hadn't forgotten anything, while Cain was wondering what Simon and Jeanie were going to do for dinner the next day.
DG knew that Cain was behind her, no matter what happened, but there was still one thing she needed to know from him. Stopping, DG looked up to Cain and said: "I need to ask you something." Cain turned and took a step back. "Before we get back," she added, nodding toward the city.
Cain nodded and gave her his full attention. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth, then promptly shut it again. The wording had to be right, she decided. Nodding, she looked up to Cain again. "Would you marry me?" Cain blinked. "I mean, y'know, if I asked you. Which I'm not," she said quickly, shaking her head. "I'm just, y'know... if I did. What would you- If it came up..."
Cain had to fight the smile as she DG rolled her eyes at herself and looked away to curse herself. Cain inhaled and pressed his tongue to his upper teeth and looked at the ground between them, slowly stepping closer. His hand moved up to her shoulder and he pushed her hair back and let his hand move over her shoulder and down her arm until his hand found hers.
"I would," he said after their eyes met for a moment. "On one condition," he said, making that face.
DG rolled her eyes slightly and let her shoulders drop. “I already told you both: you can't adopt Josh." Cain pressed his lips together and tried not to smile. DG made a face and composed herself before nodding to Cain in a rather regal manner. "What is your condition?"
Cain's hand moved up to her cheek. "Would you marry me? Y'know," he shrugged. "If I asked you."
DG’s eyes narrowed. "You just want to marry me because I have the power."
"Of course," Cain said with a shrug. DG gave him a dirty look and he laughed. She reached up to pinch his side and he jumped before pulling her close. "You haven't answered my question," he whispered into her ear. DG's breath caught and she had to grab hold of his shirt. "Not that I'm asking," he said with a shrug, repeating her words.
DG pinched his sides again and forced a smile as he backed away with a laugh. "You're gonna pay, Tin Man." Cain winked at her and reached for her hand.
"Come on, Princess. Let's go home."
*iz ded*
EDIT: the music is
HERE. ;)