pooka_07 wrote in
Jan 06, 2010 15:43
Religion has taught me one thing: I have two fathers who don't visit.
-My brother during a late-night conversation about religion.
img3045 wrote in
Jun 26, 2009 20:39
Because all you of Earth are idiots.
--- Plan 9 from Outer Space
vanishingemily wrote in
Jun 16, 2008 21:17
"I thought I might convince you that we were not enemies, so that we might co-operate. Since I have apparently failed at that, I suggest co-operation in any case" (Asimov, 1982, Foundation's Edge, p. 409, Bantam paperback). (Sorry, citation not in proper sequence.)
vanishingemily wrote in
May 07, 2008 09:23
"Sometimes it's easier to let the feared Hero fall on his own, than to try to take him down by yourself." -A bird, in a dream to me the other night, in the context of letting other people come to the same conclusions as you, but on their own, instead of you trying to convince them.
jackball25 wrote in
Jan 29, 2008 22:35
And he dies, Lamenting the cruelty of his heart, the cruelty that it still makes him love her.