International "Whee!" Day Challenge! (That's Carnivals for those who don't speak 'Ami') CLOSED

May 04, 2007 10:40

FAQ (Please Read. It changes each time!)

A. Because Carnivals are islands of sugar and speed and silly games and haunted houses and summer nights of nostalgia and first dates and one hundredth dates and awesome fun. And did I mention sugar?

Q. Is it really International "Whee!" Day!?
A. Better question: How many different places can you think of to make out at a Carnival? Or make trouble? Did I mention sugar?

Q. How does one participate?
A. Any fandom, any pairing (or no pairing!), any genre and anything that closely resembles those tent laden places of old! ! Comment here with your fic, your fandom and other pertinent info in the subject line for easy perusal!

NOTE: PLEASE use the subject lines. Explanation: This is not just for those reading, but for me. As I will be updating the post regularly, sorting through all of the replies takes time and giving it a subject line with your pairing and fandom helps me know when a new story has been posted. Otherwise I simply get a lot of "reply to post" emails. If you check the last challenge, you'll see there's more than 700 replies, many of which came in during the original challenge. As the word spreads to more and more fandoms I hope that count goes up, please make it easier for me to keep track. *Also, with our new expanded media, if it's anything other than the written word, please make note. Thank you for helping out! p.s. If you are in an active canon fandom, please note spoilers in the subject line as well!

Q. Are there any other rules?
A. Carnivals! That's about it. Though I strongly encourage making out while going at high speeds.

Q. When?
A. From now till Monday morning! Yes, yes, more than a day. Shut up. Specifically, until I wake up enough to call an end to the challenge. I figure this gives all the time zones plenty of chances. Considering this mod is currently on lots of shiny prescription meds, you might have longer than usual. ;)

Q. Where?
A. Here please! So this entry can become a dizzying ride of 'whee!' Please wait till Monday to post to your own LJs. You CAN link to this entry. One of the best ways for people to know you wrote something (or that something in a fandom/genre/pairing they like was written) is to actually tell them.

Q. I cannot write or I do not have time but I wish to help, what do I do?
A. Pimp this post! If you're looking for a fandom that hasn't been pimped to specifically, check out this post which has claimed fandoms/comms in the comments and a list of suggested fandoms (that haven't been taken as of the last update) in the post itself.

*Q: But oh modly one! I am not a writer and I have pimped this in my journal but I STILL FEEL A NEED TO DISPLAY MY LOVE FLASHY LIGHTS AND MOUNDS OF SUGAR AND BADLY RIGGED GAMES!
A: Funny you should complain, this challenge has expanded, we now accept.anything you might think of as 'creative fannish output'. I know that sounds like a broad term. So I'll clarify. Anything that resembles stories (including ficlets or drabbles), graphics (including photomanips, drawings, icons, etc.) and vids and multimedia. Things of that nature. What we're not looking for are things resembling meta, essays and straight screencaps and video clips. Note to pimpers: Please don't forget to mention this part!

For writers:

Q. So what sort of stories would keep me on topic?
A. I'm not going to restrict you too hard. Ideally I'd say set it in or near or just before or just after a Carnival. I think this topic shouldn't give most fandoms too much trouble.

CHALLENGE CLOSED. Thanks! (Yes you can sneak something in under the wire *G*)

  1. kerravongenius here (Drake's Venture)
  2. shogunsquirrel here (Firefly, River/Jayne)
  3. kerravongenius here (By the Sword Divided, Lucinda and Charles II)
  4. entropy_house here (Drake's Venture, Maria and Thomas)
  5. cobweb_diamond here (SGA, John/Rodney)
  6. purpleallison here (Dresden Files - Book version, Murphy and Ivy)
  7. ltlj here (SGA/SG1, Retrograde verse, Gen)
  8. Pentapus here (SGA, Art, John, Teyla, G)
  9. amireal here (SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17)
  10. auburnnothenna here (SGA, team, gen, PG)
  11. Idyanne here (SGA, John/Rodney, PG)
  12. wneleh here (SGA, Gen, PG, SPOILERS: Sunday)
  13. ileliberte here (SGA, Art, Team, PG)
  14. bluflamingo here (SGA/SG1, John/Cameron, Spoilers: Return Part 1)
  15. ladycat777 here (SGA, McKay/Sheppard, Spoilers: McKay and Mrs. Miller)
  16. shimere277 here (Drake's Venture, Thomas Doughtie, PG-13)
  17. bluflamingo here (Firefly, Mal, Kaylee, Spoilers: Serenity)
  18. somniesperus here (The Devil Wears Prada)
  19. miasnape here (SGA, John/Rodney, PG)
  20. entropy_house here (Drake's Venture, Thomas Doughty)
  21. alinewrites here (Drake's Venture)
  22. jaxomsride here (Blake's 7)
  23. bellewhan here (SGA, Art, John and Rodney, PG)
  24. elandrialore here (SV, Clex, AU, R)
  25. apple_pi here (SGA, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17)
  26. kerravongenius here (Blake's 7, Avon, Anna)
  27. shogunsquirrel here (Firefly, Mal/Inara, Zoe/Angst)
  28. pixie_on_acid here (Criminal Minds, Team, Spoilers from 2x09)
  29. cobweb_diamond here (SGA, McKay/Sheppard, AU, PG)
  30. sparklingjadex here (Fall Out Boy, RPF, Gen. G)
  31. krysalys here (SGA, McKay/Sheppard, PG)
  32. terribilita here (SGA, art, John, AUish)
  33. sageness here (Due South, R, Gloriaverse)

challenge: carnivals

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