Gryffinpuff___evanescoJanuary 16 2006, 00:31:28 UTC
You had a nice application, but I'm going to have to Squib you, simply becuase there wasn't nearly enough information for me personally to place you somewhere.
I'm going to say Squib. Your answers seemed too surface. I suggest reading the remainder of the books so that you'll have more to write about in your answers (if you are Squibbed and have to re-apply).
You seem very cool, so I won't just say that, but I'll give you a reason and some advice. My reasoning is that you haven't finished the books and this might ruin some things for you. Also, your answers were short and not really complete. My advice is that you finish the books, and reapply, please, because I think you seem really cool. You have to wait at least a month to reapply if you are squibbed, but you can wait longer than that and reapply whenever you've finished the books. IF you are squibbed, don't give up! Good luck with the rest of your sorting!
P.S.- I'm in the process of getting my ass kicked squibbed at sorting_elite. Don't let THAT get you down either.
Comments 36
Sara-Jane -- Gryffinpuff
Good luck to you in the rest of your sorting.
Once you read all the books, you should reapply with a little more depth in your personality,
You seem very cool, so I won't just say that, but I'll give you a reason and some advice. My reasoning is that you haven't finished the books and this might ruin some things for you. Also, your answers were short and not really complete. My advice is that you finish the books, and reapply, please, because I think you seem really cool. You have to wait at least a month to reapply if you are squibbed, but you can wait longer than that and reapply whenever you've finished the books. IF you are squibbed, don't give up! Good luck with the rest of your sorting!
P.S.- I'm in the process of getting my ass kicked squibbed at sorting_elite. Don't let THAT get you down either.
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