Title: A Man With Two Husbands Author/Artist: my_sam_dean Character/Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles Fandom: Real Person Fiction Theme: 11 - animal Dislcaimer: I don't know them. This never happened. It's totally fiction.
Title: As Far As The Ways Author/Artist: misheard Character/Pairing: Issei, True Assassin, Assassin, Caster, Berserker, Rider, Lancer, Saber, Gilgamesh Fandom: Fate/stay night Theme: #46: dust
Title: The Santa Suit Author/Artist: my_sam_dean Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean Fandom: Supernatural Theme: 27 - give Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Warnings: Slash, incest
Title: The Smell of Real Pine Author/Artist: my_sam_dean Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean Fandom: Supernatural. Theme: 28 - needle Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Warnings: slash, incest
Title: When it All Piles Up Author/Artist: my_sam_dean Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean Fandom: Supernatural Theme: 30 - slope Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Warnings: slash, incest
Title: Cooking With Dean Author/Artist: my_sam_dean Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean Fandom: Supernatural Theme: 23 - range Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Warnings: slash, incest