Edit: 04/02/11 The Big Damn Has Been Changed. If you find this message after this date and your claim was deleted, you will need to resubmit your claim.
The Mod.
Final Notice about changes to the Claims Table. You have still have a few days to let me know about your claims.
If you have already told me about your claim - YOU DO NOT NEED TO KEEP REMINDING ME. I got it the first time. Thanks. :D
The First Table are the Claims that have been DELETED OFF THE BIG DAMN TABLE for the one of the following reasons:
01. Never provided a link to your table. 02. Link provided leads to a Locked Journal. As I checked EVERY claim on the table I decided what is the point of posting to community fic challenge if you link back to a "Friends Only" journal/Locked Journal. So I am amending the Community Rules to include this. No More Links Back To Lock Journals. 03. Not updated with a 7V fic within the last year (03/08/10 to 03/08/11). (Some of you are so close to completing your tables too!) 04. NEVER updated. 05. Link provided no longer exists/invalid. 06. Journal has been deleted.
ALL OF THESE CLAIMS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE Big Damn Table. You were given four weeks to make the appropriate changes needed before the table was changed.