i remember taking a disliking to mary lou lord whilst reading about her in heavier than heaven, kurts biog. then i think i felt sorry for her, cant quite remember, something like that. havent read it for a while.
oh hair looks great btw :) forgot to post that last time. yea she did i remember now, she went away for a while or something and came back to kurts place to find courtney, i guess you'd be kinda bummed. it was something like that, dont quite remember, the books within grasping distance.
thanks for the offer, lurvely helen, but its all done!! yayy, its beautiful. your hair is loovely -strokes it-. im downloading mark's mtv cribs episode, whoo. xx
haha i would... but i am clueless about EVERYTHING to do with lj, and cant make an icon a different colour. haha. someone made that icon for me, i was like 'I NEED THIS PICTURE IN AN ICON!' he's so cute. xx
Comments 26
i love it.
do you have your lip pierced?
did it hurt?
i want it oh so bad.
luff it, luff it.
x <333333333
done!! yayy, its beautiful.
your hair is loovely -strokes it-. im downloading mark's
mtv cribs episode, whoo. xx
been doing it for like 5 minutes. not too bad.
gosh his house is AMAZING, im 'preview'ing it. wowee. xx
to do with lj, and cant make an icon a different colour.
haha. someone made that icon for me, i was like 'I NEED
THIS PICTURE IN AN ICON!' he's so cute. xx
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